18 March, 2015

Habits that last !

I was at a retreat recently where while parents were in their serious engagement, their children too were in an enquiry and discovery journey.

I watched some children with their Bibles early in the morning sitting individually in different parts of the campus early in the morning. Although watching the sunrise at that seashore was a good reason to be awake early, I knew that it was not the only reason for them to be found in reading the Bible and praying in the morning. Some of them told me that tit was their habit for some years or months.

It is most refreshing to watch children practice their habits even on holiday! Their habit of reading the Bible and praying obviously means something to them that it sticks with them even when there are other good enough reasons to miss it for a day or two! In fact I heard one child refusing to go with a group to the seashore she finished her 'quiet time'! I am not sure if I would behave similarly!

Yes, many of us wonder how our children would face the struggles and temptations of a materialistic and self-seeking culture! Nurture them into good habits and values. When they are old, they would not depart from them! Amy and Arpit read and sing Bible stories to their four month old baby! I know of parents who start this even before the baby is born! They are good practices that would become habits for children later!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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