25 March, 2015

Music from heart!

As I watched these two chaplains practice before a singing session, I was surprised by the pleasure with which they were playing their guitars! They turned even their practice into a solemn occasion! It was music from their heart!  

There are times when music can hold your attention and bring an inner tide of warmth! It takes you from a thought realm to a meditative realm.

It has lot to do with how a person plays the musical instrument or lead the signing! While we listen to the sound and words, there is something beyond in music which is the language of love! When we sing or play an instrument it is an offering to the listeners. Those who sing and play meditatively connect with others naturally and transport them to their soul to feel refreshed and restful!

In that sense, music is the language of the soul!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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