15 March, 2015

A denied animal instinct !

Anna and  I happened to watch some elephants in training for domestication, given their time for water play. As the elephants are irresistibly indulgent during the water play time, the mahout keeps a close watch on its behaviour. The elephant is forced to do only what is designed for that day, while in water. They are not given any exception to this rule. In fact we saw two elephants abruptly being taken out of water because of their non-compliance. As a part of the domestication training, this insistence to do only what is decided for it to do in one sense is understandable.  It is one way the trainers 'break the will' of these elephants to comply always. 

On our way back, this particular outlook to training bothered me a lot.  It is an instinct of an elephant to be in water and play. Most elephants do not get the chance for this water play. They grow up denied of the gratification of this instinct. Most elephants do not react to this deprivation as they adapt to this easily and naturally. In fact many elephants are well cared for by their keepers.

Animals are subject to humans and they do what we decide for them. Who are we subject to as humans!

I wish there is more God consciousness and brotherly love among humans!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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