24 March, 2015

Reliving yesteryears !

This is how we used to draw water from our well about 25 years back, until we have had a pump installed to have running water in the house. In rural India, this is still a  common practice. As these visitors experienced the pleasure of this way of drawing water, I travelled back into my memory lane of my childhood.

It was morning and evening chore I did during my schooling years to gather enough water for our use at home. It meant walking about twenty meters form the well with bucketfull of water several times to fill all the containers in the kitchen and bathroom.

I look back at those experiences with much delight and gratitude now, as they were ways I was introduced to take an interest in the affairs of running a home.  

Most parents would involve their children in the domestic chores. It is necessary to give them responsibilities to prepare them to be live fully aware of their roles and to encourage them to work with their hands. It is a necessary experience all children ought to have from early childhood to develop planning and execution skills with perseverance!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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