The darkness in a late afternoon just before a heavy downpour!
Although that was what was the obvious, the photos below show the reality of presence of two Magpie robins, one Heron, two Bulbuls and the flowers in the garden, invoking hope and peace!

What was surprising was seeing the two Bulbuls perched in our courtyard on the cable! It moved to find its shelter in the impending rain!
What the sights above particularly that of the Bulbuls brought the opposite of the darkness the clouds brought before the rainfall- a measure of expectancy and hope in their look!
It is important to carry that as the message to live with, amidst the varying moods we encounter all around us.
I noticed an alert look in their face as it was about to rain! They flew away to safety when it started to drizzle!
It was a lesson to hold n- these two realities in good tension- the dark clouds in the horizon and the vibrant enduring presence in such a situation.
This is the way to make sense of troubled times. We are being formed through the events around us to grow in the habit of living patently, expectantly and hopefully!
A boy of seven years conveyed this attitude when, he chose to play with the ball in the courtyard as the summer sun was subdued by the clouds!
He found his delight in his game and did not get affected by the impending rain or thundering!
The boy went back to his ball game after the rain fall, this time with another ball that can be comfortably used to play in a pool of water gathered in the courtyard.
I hope I can trust that even the threatening clouds will turn out to be showers of blessing !
The dark clouds are not the final event; there is fullness of life concealed in the clouds or in the darkness !
The flowers, birds and the boy conveyed it convincingly!
M.C.Mathew (text and photo)
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