To feed on chilly is unusual ! This Bulbul did not visit the feeding station in the garden, unlike other birds. It seemed to relish the chilly.
I happened to read that the Bulbuls do not have the spread of taste buds in the tongue and it can adapt to different tastes comfortably.
It seemed to take small bites each time!
That held my attention !
The Barbet often takes mouthful of feed.
The Mynah birds also take only small helping each time.
The Voice of the current president of the United States of America is one of threatening to 'consume.' and 'control'! He mentioned on different occasions of his interest to bring Canada, Greenland, Gaza, and Ukraine under its control.
The consuming instinct is a personification of larger than view of oneself!
We are passing through a phase in human history, when the carnal instinct that Hitler pursued, appears to return in another form but with a similar instinct to dominate and subdue!
The Bulbul bird is an example of living content and comfortable. Its food bowl is enough for itself and for other birds! It does not have to feed greedily or gregariously as if food supply is likely to be exhausted!
I wish the advisors of the president of the USA would prompt him to remember the history of the USA ,as a giving country because of which it gave an economic booting to countries in Africa, Asia and Far East. In the desperation of the current president of the USA to make 'America great again', I wish all his supporters would remind him that America became great in the past by giving! Now the spirit that is conveyed is one of usurping and subduing other nations. To charge such a high tariff on goods imported from a neighbouring country like Canada is a design to disturb the economic stability of that nation. Does America become great by making others suffer!
I recall that the Good Samaritan was a minority among the two others who walked past the wounded person lying on the road side! He too was a traveller equally vulnerable to be attacked by robbers. But he thought of the wounded person and brought life back to him by his self giving behaviour.
The hope in this disturbing scene of affairs of nations, is the stand the European Union and Great Britain jointly took recently, to do everything to bring peace in Ukraine!
Those who are wounded are our neighbours!
A senior surgeon of considerable reputation ended his life voluntarily yesterday at the age of 77 years, for having for inability to operate as his hands shake following surgery for his spine, six months back. He grieved for the loos of skill to operate. If this led him to depression and despair, he might have been a lonely man feeling low! He could not see a purpose worth living for! I wonder whether others sensed and responded to carry him through this valley experience!
It is another story of wounded people loosing hope!
The Bulbul living its rhythm and conveying the delight in its daily habit speaks to me! It lives peaceably because of its choice to be content.
To live contently, one needs an inner anchor of consolation and hope!
It rained heavily in our village yesterday. It was terribly hot during the day and the rain brought a cool night !
This is how life flourishes amidst variations!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)
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