The front and rear side of the Big Bungalow at the Christian Medical College Vellore in the Bagayam campus has a vibrant look with seasonal flowers. This institution is celebrating its 125 years of service.
The summer flowers above ,during a recent visit, gave a celebrant look.
The day I was visiting this garden was on the fiftieth anniversary of the end of strike by the support and domestic staff of the institution, which went on beyond two months, starting in January 1975. It was on 15 th March 1975, the Chief minter of the state, to whose party the labour union of CMC was affiliated to, announced the end of the strike in the legislative assembly, after a series of events including the intervention of the Prime of minister. It took a few months for CMC to resume its full functioning.
This instance, the only time such an event occurred, in the history of its 125 years, became turning point in the profile and service of the institution. The out-patient numbers increased, more people came from different parts of India and neighbouring countries to CMC seeking health care.
It was a historic occasion when the leadership of the institution upheld honest and fair practices even under extremely challenging situations. The message that came forth from the institution from that trying time it endured, was its commitment to uphold values amidst threatening posture from the civil authorities.
The flowers and the the flourishing garden in summer became a symbol to me of the value based practice of medicine and the integrity with which the institution conducts its academic affairs, teaching and training, research and caring for the staff and students, nearing about 25000 of them as of now.
A neighbour who went to visit the hospital last week for a third opinion, came back with a feeling, that he went to a hospital where he 'mattered' to the health care team- he felt listened to, attended to and assured of what can be done. He saw another way of practice of medicine after having been under medical care for twenty years in three other places.
The institution from having been at a vulnerable state during and after the strike, recovered and renewed to continue its calling because of the self giving attitude and nature of the staff and trainees.
So CMC Vellore stays true to its motto, not to be served but to serve' even in its 125th year!
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)
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