A garden reveals thoughtfulness of those tending it, about their regard for nature and appreciation for the seasonal refreshing presence of the vegetation.
The walk at sunrise in these two gardens gave me a feel about the life in the garden. The bees, butterflies, insects, rodents, reptiles, and birds, live because the garden offers the space and feed for them.
The first photo of an old cycle transformed into a plant museum piece highlighted the philosophy of recycling!
The bottles hanging from trees with plants growing from them, was a sight that reflected the nature friendly attitude and practice!
As I was walking back, I found the dry leaf below, in the pavement, telling a story that would soon be forgotten, when that leaf would be gathered to put into the waste bin or compost.
It was a leaf of a tree, once green and swaying in the air receiving its nutrition from the tree and supplying oxygen to the air. It might have protected the blossom in the tree or its fruit. It gave companionship to the other leaves in the branch of the tree.
When its life in that role was over, it now takes another role of returning to the earth to continue the cycle of life. It becomes a source of nutrients in the soil. It becomes another source of nutrients for trees and plants, adding nutrients to the soil for more life to continue.
During its life time, it received from the tree and offered oxygen to the air; in its departure from that role it would become a resource to the soil to preserve life on earth.
That leaf was in transition reminding me of the way of its living- receiving and giving!
The leaf received to give and not to possess, accumulate or hoard!
What a contrast from the way we hear the language of acquisitiveness and wealth creation in public places, usurping benefit and giving reservedly or conditionally!
I remembered the words of Jesus of Nazareth, "..freely you received, freely give.." (Matthew 10:8).
A day break walk offered me thoughts to dwell on during the day!
It is about one leaf, which lived to give and at its departure yielding to give!
M.C.Mathew (text and photo)