25 January, 2024

Two types of Garden !

One morning I did an exercise of looking beyond into the fields on all sides, while standing at the edge of our garden.

The first eight phots are of sights, I noticed all around me. The shades of colours in the foliage were worth watching as the sun rose in the east. I felt I was surrounded by autumn colours during the winter months. 

The six photos below are sights nearer to our garden and of our garden. During this exercise of looking beyond and near, I got a glimpse of the realities that exist all around us. The nature is a storehouse of happenings synchronised with the rhythm of nature. The vast fields beyond, of trees and plants grow without receiving much tending.  

As against this, that the garden in our property receives attention with all they need. The garden offers flowers and fruits in due season. 

I took time to process these two realities. The fields with the trees and plants growing up on their own and our garden that receives attention and care.

Yesterday a family who called me, told me that they brought their son at three months with some neuro-developmental needs, while I was working at CMC, Vellore. That child is now 20 years old, pursuing his course in music. He went on to complete his schooling. He has had difficulties during the school years because of which the family had to change schools and relocate three times. His mother became his companion and anchor in the transitions of life. This young man spoke to me and mentioned about the care and attention he received at home because of which he is pursuing music to advance in singing and playing the musical instruments. Since I retired from, CMC, I have had no contact with the family. 

I listened to the grandmother who tearfully told me about the sense of fulfilment they have about the progress her grandson was able to make. 
The summary of their efforts, which they shared with me yesterday, to attend to the needs of this boy, inspired me about the sense of stewardship they exercised in their response to his needs. 

This boy grew up in a well tended garden of his family. 

I grieve over the fact that many children grow up in their families without receiving diligent attention and nurture. The consequence is that  children feel bereft, in spite of being surrounded by plentiful material resources. What children need is proximity to parents and the sense of emotional nearness,  it would generate to feel loved, wanted and affirmed. Instead, many homes have substituted the parenting with  gadgets, media, internet, grandparents, caregivers...!

The family is the garden of life for formation and nurture of children. 

I wish that parents would want to pursue advanced learning on parenting education and childhood formation during the transitions  their children's life !

There is a difference between children growing up on their own receiving the routines of schooling, shelter at home and the social support and in a child friendly home, where they feel nurtured with a feeling  of belonging and affirmation, offered by parents. 

M.C.Mathew (Text and photo)

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