11 February, 2022

Readiness for movement!

These are the last photographs of these four birds just before they flew away after their visit to the flight stations in the morning in our garden. 

Each of them had a change in its composure, body posture and vigilance in their look, a few seconds before they flew away. 

Looking at the photos I have  of them for a minute or more during their short stop over, I could sense the difference vividly!

My attention obviously turned to the readiness index of these birds. The smaller the birds are, the more is the swiftness with which they move about! At least these birds in the photos above are friendly birds who do not get intimidated by larger birds. 

And yet their readiness level was high just before their movements between flight stations. These four birds have a regular site they occupy in our garden. They come from one tree to this site and move away to another habitually. I even suspect that this movement is also timed similar each day. 

I had not known to this extent the schedule of birds with regard to their morning flight paths and readiness level till this week when I was at home in self isolation due to the suspicion of COVID infection.

For two years both Anna and I have been most alert to protect ourselves from COVID. I wondered whether we lowered our caution level after the recent booster vaccination and a feeling that the new variant Omicron can cuase only a mild infection! 

The readiness level is all about alertness and promptness. One cannot let the down the guard and be indifferent or inattentive on matters when good practices are needed. I remember that this was one advice, given to me while I was learning to drive forty-nine years ago. Although the road looks deserted and visibility is good for several meters, one ought not to exceed the speed and  indicate the signals while changing the lane and stay ready to give the right of way when needed. My tutor emphasised that driving safe is a habit which comes by practice. 

Readiness is all about an inner orientation of what we are to do and how we are to do! This is what those who practice mindfulness refer to as living with a sense of presence. 

The substance of this practice is to stay engaged in what  one is doing carrying a connection with what it shall lead to! This coherence or awareness of the 'now and the next' is  possible by living with a sense of presence or moving in readiness. 

These four birds were messengers of this truth. I needed a reinforcement!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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