26 February, 2022

Flock, pasture and a day!

I was in the filed where the above sheep were grazing, at the end of the day when they were about to return to their stable!

I found all of them in different states of readiness to return. Those who were grazing, one resting and another calling out to return to the stable!

When they were let loose by the shepherd, they moved quickly to the path leading to the stable!

As I kept watching the eagerness with which they left the grazing field, I realised that their orientation was towards their stable!

An orientation towards home!

How to make a home, a place inviting for every member of the family to long to return!

Ever since the home became the acknowledged work place during the pandemic of COVID, work overtook the ambience at home. Most people work at home corresponding to their office timings and stay occupied. Children who are at home often wondered as to how parents do not have time for them during the day! A teenager who came to visit for his behavioural  needs put it bluntly. 'My parents have made work as their occupation and made the home to a workplace'!

A home is a place of fellowship and communion. 

What 'work from home'  has done to most of us is to make home an extension of work place!

As I watched the sheep long to return home and made their way with attention and interest it gave me a sense of what a 'home' is to be for our children!

I have teenagers tell me that their home is a place for their parents and friends to have parties in the evening. When children are asleep the parents return to the TV!

Our children live displaced from our homes!Is it so!I hope not!

A home is a place of welcome for children when a god bit of activities at home are centred in the interests that children have. It is for parents to lead children to the blessings and bliss a home can provide!

It is what children would receive from their parent's home in their younger days, which would give them an idea of how they ought to build their own home when they are married! 

A home is place of formation of character and vocation of family life!

M.C.Mathew( text and photo0


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