18 June, 2015

The news we read!

During a recent meeting with students to explore the theme, 'How to live life', I encouraged the students to do an exercise in groups. The five groups examined five national news papers to look for items that connect with our daily living. All the five groups found that there was negative reporting and a lot of news of violence, accidents, crime, corruption, war, calamity, suicide, etc. They felt that  the english TV news channels also specialise on 'expose' of the political misadventures of leaders in and outside the government. 

We feed our minds with an awful lot of what can discourage us and deprive us of the charm of living and serving!

With the withdrawal of Maggie noodles from the Indian market due to the high content of contaminants, we are even more suspicious about the authenticity of many things we have taken for granted!

So how are we to live!  Yesterday I was given a poster by the students summarising the content of the discussion during that afternoon meeting. One caption in the poster was, 'live mindful of others'.

That indeed is the message and summary of the Good Samaritan story! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)   

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