20 June, 2015

Summer blossoms!

Summer times bring some surprises.

Some plants thrive even when they are not watered or specially cared for. They adjust to the natural rhythm of nature and adapt themselves to live their life-cycle. They have no choice or prospects for a different existence.

Yesterday in a conversation I listened to an experience where the circumstances seemed to overwhelm a person to accept what was contrary to his need. He accepted a decision of the authorities that 
denied him an opportunity to pursue his rightful academic pursuit. He was rattled by this for a while.

Another opportunity which was offered to him after six months seemed to compensate for the loss of the earlier offer. Fifteen years later, when he looks back now, that opportunity led to a series of good academic progress in an area of his special interest in which he has acquired considerable proficiency. 

There can be a 'desert' like experience in our lives. But they are special times with a larger purpose beyond the initial trial or disappointment. 

To live with ease and confidence during a 'dry season' can have a formative impact in our lives. The difficult times would then become even more purposeful. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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