02 October, 2024

A dream and its movements within !


I have three images in my mind when I think of dreams which appear during the Rapid Eye Movement sleep. 

The first image is that of the birds perched on a bare tree, noticeable at day break. The darkness, bare tree and just visible birds create a feeling of vagueness, although facts and realities are hidden in the dream representing an actual event that happened in the past. Such a dream may reveal insights not explored thus far or bring in a connection that would bring freedom or suggest an action to move forward. Some suggest that such dreams are pathfinders when one remains baffled by events that happened. 

The second imagery of a dream is that of a bird perched in a foliage, moving in wind, when the clouds are gathering and the sky is dark, threatening of a rain or a storm. A dream can be such an experience of an emotional upheaval, with vivid flashing of memories of events and experiences associated with real stressful events or imaginative events. It leaves a person disturbed although the dream can bring an effect of catharsis. The meaning of different events associated or disconnected would become clearer when one prepares to do a 'dream work' with a self directed questionnaire or by receiving assistance from a person who follows the prescribed pathway to demystify dreams. 

The third imagery of a dream is that of a bird perched in a cable in the darkness of the night and twisting its body in distress over a dream that was frightening with gory events that could not be easily connected. The effect of such a dream can be an inner turmoil with which one gets up and would stay awake unable to go back to sleep. The dreams of such a nature might have a warning or a revelation to act upon. Such dreams also would help us to connect with emotions concealed in our subconscious mind, that remained unattended or avoided to engage for fear of reliving a difficult seasons. 

In all the three structure of dreams mentioned above, known by different names or psychological phenomena, one thing is common. The dreams represent actual events or imaginary thoughts that stay wandering in our subconscious mind. Sometimes dreams surface when we carry in our thoughts an event that was over or is yet to take place .  

Those of us who have got used to revisiting our subconscious mind through the door of dreams offer us, would find that it is an ongoing activity in our life. Most of us dream every night. Only few dreams can be recalled. Those who write down their dreams or recall the story immediately after the dream to get the details assimilated to remember later, would find the substrate in the subconscious mind as a resource to work on to make sense of a dream. Often the larger meaning of a dream would keep building up within, only when we have a few recollection times with leading questions to make progress in the unfolding of a dream. The recollection of dreams which are instructional, revelational or prophetic can be upbuilding to form our inward terrain of consciousness with more integration. The dreams reveal our dichotomy and is therefore facilitatory to revise our lives and renew our optic and consciousness.

I went to sleep yesterday thinking about a visit I have to make to an office, to link the domestic gas connection to the telephone number and Adhar registration, in accordance with a new government policy.

Sure enough I had a dream with details from a few events of being in different offices, appearing in a cluster. The difficulties encountered and long waiting with not so kind attitude of others surfaced. Amidst that a few people propped up as those who went out of their way to help. 

I feel anxious about going to an office as the priority to those who wait in the queue is not certain. Often one gets the work done if there is someone you already know in the office. However, this impression from my early adult life is not true today. In the recent years the procedures in the offices are lot more streamlined and one does not have to be anxious like the way I feel. 

The first message I picked up from my dream yesterday is that I carry anxiety about going to an office to get any work done. This anxiety has delayed a prompt action from me about going to offices to get some work done related to our property. 

The second message is the help I received at critical times when someone  came forward to help and resolved the stalemate. Often such a nature of help happened on a few occasions that I ought to be less anxious about going to an office. It brought to my consciousness about the habitual attitude within me, which needs revision and replacement with a sober attitude towards an office and people working there. 

The third message is to be open about what might happen rather than view events through the optic of the past. The memories of the past which were difficult seem to linger on in the subconscious mind longer. That calls for regular audit of the subconscious mind by a structured approach of 'inventory' of memories. The catharsis of the subconscious mind brings release to thoughts we hold on to or opinions we feel strong about. The cluttered subconscious mind becomes a highway, open and abundant with freedom and space. 

The Fourth message was to grow in the graciousness of remembering people thankfully, kindly and appreciatively. I realised that I tend to hold others as prisoners in my subconscious mind as  they did not fulfil my expectations. I felt sad that I keep thinking of some people in a disapproving manner and therefore stay stuck in the past. That is another journey that this dream exercise is doing to me. 

The fifth message is a sense of gladness that dawns on me about the prospects of change, such experiences can bring into my life. The photo of a bird against the bright blue sky below,  gave me an inspiration about creating another 'dream' within. The dream therapy has one step where a  person is enabled to choose some dreams of choice! 

One can condition the subconscious mind to stay disciplined to live with pleasant memories, cheerful recollections, sober thoughts towards others, and a prayerful orientation to feel anchored in God, 'in whom we live, move and have our our being'!

I begin this day with choice of some pleasant memories to dwell within and allow them to sink into my subconscious mind. The ambience of the subconscious mind is in my domain of control. It is when I can reorientate the subconscious mind with passages from the Scripture and prayers of healing and wholeness from prayers of others, one can create a righteous and just ambience within. 

If our 'body is the temple of God', our interior life including the subconscious mind is a sacred place. Its sanctity is conditioned by 'renewing our mind by not conforming to the mindset' that prevails around us. 

In the book, Living into Focus, Arthur Boers, introduced a theme (p22), Embarking on a Focal pilgrimage. " Embarking on focal living is not about 'oughts' and 'shoulds'. There are many ways to incorporate  focal priorities. Seeing others live out such commitments is suggestive and disclosive. Pay attention to the focal practice of others and you will see something and think, 'I do that or I could do that', or 'That reminds me of doing such and such' ....Many in our congregations are not aware of the deeper meaning of what they are doing. One gift we can give them is to show them, this is really significant..."

The above paragraph is about living mindfully of others in receiving and giving. We help each other and that brings the gain of new consciousness. All of us are co-pilgrims on our way!

Our life can be an ongoing life revision when we live open to others and receive their insights and reflections to explore the terrain of our being, where we are now. How interconnected we are if only we can live aware of this.  

An open flower----its openness is its habit!

M.C.Mathew ( text and photo)


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