18 October, 2024

A Daily entertainment!

Every morning, while Daphne is on her morning round in the garden, when unnoticed by us, she would move towards the feeding station and chase away the birds. Now bird have got used to her that even though they would fly away seeing her approach the feeding station, they would regather themselves soon after she moves away. 

The picture above of her turning to me, when I called her putting on a regretful look, saves her from my scolding. But given a chance she would return to see the birds fly away. Earlier she used to growl. Now it is her quiet presence near to the feeding bowl, which would make the birds unsettled. Soon, I hope the birds would learn to ignore her.

The contrast is what strikes me. Daphne has her playful behaviour,  which frightens the birds.  

This daily sight brings to me a message about mindfulness. How my conversation, conduct and behaviour would affect others is a matter that evades my consciousness often.  It is not yet a regular practice for me to be mindful of the listener when I talk or relate. 

I was at a meeting recently. I noticed a person moving around to supply a bottle of water to those, who did not pick up a bottle before leaving the table, where the food was served. Through the time I was in the dining area, I noticed this person doing this quietly and thoughtfully. I do not think he was instructed to do that. I saw him earlier standing in the corner of the dining area and talking to someone. He noticed couple of people leaving the dining table to the corner where food was served to collect water. Seeing this, he decided to go to each table offering a bottle of water. He was not even a volunteer. This sight surprised me and warmed my heart! His was an act of kindness arising out of awareness of need of others!

To me,  it was an experience of observing, how a person can create space to think about others. 

Yesterday, when Anna and I went to get some help to repair the lap top, I noticed couple of technicians who were oriented to do something more than what was their duty. Their cheerful spirit and enthusiasm was not just professionalism, but a personal attitude to work and graceful way of serving others going out of their way. 

It took about two months for Daphne to adjust to the presence of the birds in the garden! Now she is less intrusive! In case, she yielded to her instinct to have fun, she would come to me regretfully and would want to be stroked for comfort.

How much I am consciously mindful of the needs and comforts of others! This question is upon my mind now!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

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