01 October, 2024

Avians at day break


The first bird at day break in our garden often is a Tailor bird. Perched on the tree, around which the feeding station is located the Tailor bird breaks the silence of the morning with its tuneful singing. That is a call for birds to trickle in to the feeding station. 

The pictures above one morning when this ritual takes place tells its story- a celebration of avian behaviour. The birds got used to a squirrel coming regularly for its wrong feed form the bowl. 

The Tailor bird does not feed on fruits. Its role is to call out birds to come! In that sense it is a giver and not a taker. 

I feel how birds show a giving  behaviour during this feeding time. They wait for their turn and make the feeding time a 'conversation time' between themselves. 

The last two photos of the Bulbuls waiting till the squirrel finished its feed was a message of that social harmony the birds demonstrate at the feeding station. 

The election pitch in the United States of America is adversorial between Mr Donald Trump and Ms Kamal Harris. The Israel initiated aggression is the Middle East area is alarming to say the least. The changes in the political leadership in Sri Lanka and Bangla Desh would cause some ripple effect in regional balance of power.

The climate in India with  few states going for election is pathetic. The  political parties have resorted to use language to hurt and dominate. 

Every morning when I find another language of regards towards each other in the feeding station, I feel that peace is the language inherent to most species. It is provocation which makes some behave aggressively. 

I find this morning celebration of ritual of peace, a fascinating and hope generating experience!

It is mutual regard that upbuilds wellness among all of us. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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