16 June, 2023

The strides and pace!

I watched this pigeon while on its stroll on a road! It took the strides by its predetermined pace. It took long and short strides. It paused in between. 

Yesterday a family who brought their daughter at two months for the first consultation nineteen years ago, recalled the journey the family made over the last nineteen years through the diverse experiences of their lives. Their daughter is now in a vocational stream leaning  about computing, baking, front office  management, etc along with preparing for national open school for the 12th grade. 

Listening to the mother and her daughter gave men an insight into the strides they took to explore the terrain of academic and vocational learning. They took the strides with a plan. Now the girl is ready to do data entry tasks comfortably!

I am about to stop working at the place where I have been for eleven years now. I realised that the movement forward got stalled by some deterrents. I feel a mismatch between the possibilities and where we arrived in terms of offering the type of service families need. I was encouraged to look at the situation differently since the visit of  this family. The mother and daughter recalled the turning points in their lives, which were connected with the conversations which we have had at critical times of their need.  

Th pigeon walked along the road till it was disturbed by the vehicles on the road.  But it still carried on, walking on the edge of the road. What was left for the pigeon was the edge!

I felt encouraged that there was freedom at the edge! 

To be at the edge means, less visibility and less prominence. But the meaning and purpose do not get diminished. In fact they would even get enhanced. 

During the last three weeks, I have had occasions of listening to families who felt grateful for the time given to them to share their needs and situations! They spoke appreciatively of the listening time offered to them. One might feel pushed to the edge. But one can still connect with people at the edge!

Living at the edge and walking along the edge would sound strange! But thereto, we can live with a cheerful spirit because we stay connected with people at their level of needs! 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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