01 June, 2023

A meeting place!

The pigeons were on the ground, ducks in the water and an Ibis was in flight in the air when I noticed them!

I stayed watching this sight with some curiosity for a while. 

Each of them has its own individual habitat and habits. What brought them together was the meal time. At the meal time they received what they were given. A family who was feeding the birds, brought them together to share the meal!

This image stayed with me even after I left the spot. A child and her father in all probability, brought the food from their home to feeds these birds. The pigeons live on the ground and the ducks in  water. The Ibis lives where food can be found. 

When these birds came together from the background of different habitats and habits, they shared the meal time with comfort and acceptance of each other.

A work place is one such placer where people from different backgrounds, professional training, orientation,  experiences  and personal habits come together. I have had an opportunity of being part of a work atmosphere in seven hospitals during the last fifty five years, starting with my undergraduate training. What gives me a deep sense of gratitude is how these work places gave me an outlook to work place relationships. 

I found the work places immensely formative in this journey of becoming myself. Those who were friendly or distant had an equal amount of formative influence in my life. 

Those who were friendly offered affirmation, acceptance and companionship. 

Those who were critical, indifferent or cautious tutored me to be patient, enduring and hospitable. 

I sense that I am still journeying to be generous in thought and deed. 

As I bring the professional years to a close at the end of this month, what fascinates me is the sight of how a father and son brought birds of different habitats and habits to a common place during a meal time. 

In every place where I worked, there were  some people who lived self-givingly and altruistically. They saw the common good and the need of others above theirs. 

From the work place form where I shall retire I want to remember all those who lived in that spirit of mindfulness of others!

I remember few  persons in  important areas of service who stand out as those who served others attentively and smilingly. One person made a huge difference in a service area, where since his coming there three years ago, he brought people together into a cohesive group from what was a stressful work place. 

It was one family who brought together the birds of different habitats and habits. I lived with a  desire to be a bridge builder and link between people. But I am still in the kindergarten of education to be what I would have liked to be!

The birds forgot their differences during a meal time. 

I feel that it is necessary to create occasions to diffuse differences to evoke a sense of togetherness at work place!

I live with this sense of longing. I feel grateful for the little that was possible to make work place,  welcoming and cheerful. 

I want to remember those who served with this longing and made the work place a meeting of hearts!

Two stanzas from Fred Kaan's hymn comes to me:

'Let Your acceptance change us,
So that we may be moved
In living situations
To do the truth in love;
To practice Your acceptance 
Until we know by heart
The table of forgiveness,
And laughter's healing art.

Lord, for today's encounters, 
With all who are in need,
Who hunger for righteousness and bread,
We need new eyes for seeing,
New hands for holding;
Renew us with Your spirit,
Lord free us, make us one'

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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