29 January, 2023

The missing feathered Friends!

Now it is over six weeks, since the above five birds are not spotted during the flight movements in the mornings in our garden! They have been regular visitors for several months now.

I have been looking out for a reasons for their absence from our garden!

The feathered friends, who are regular visitors come to a regular spot for a few reason. They have a habit of touching base with their regular flight stations when they begin or end the day. Some use the visit to find their feed. Others who are sociable come to be in the company of other avians. Some birds come to look out for finding a partner. The courting birds to choose a nesting place. 

Since we have bird feeding spots in two places in our garden, the bulbuls and sunbirds come to fetch their feed. 

I have been surprised how some of these birds come to our courtyard and make their presence known through the bird calls. When I respond by coming out to spot them, they have a look of composure and friendliness! That is striking and communicating of their comfort. Even Daffny and Dulcie fix their gaze on them and the avians reciprocate. 

I have been used to begin the day at dawn looking for these avians to welcome them and wish them a good day of flight and exploration. Now that I do not spot them, I begin the day missing something!

I ask myself: What do the avians bring each morning! It is their greetings which is explicit in their look! How much they communicate through a look!

I have pondered over this often! How much I convey acceptance, warmth, and nearness emotionally in the way I look and greet people! Even if it is a fleeting look, it might be possible to convey openness and friendliness through the eye contact!

It is worth pursuing to learn to look at others and communicate cheerfulness and welcome! That is what these birds introduced me as their message !

M.C.Mathew (text a photo)

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