22 January, 2023

During the Morning Walk

A morning walk in our garden is often rewarding and refreshing!

This morning it was the sight of two recently planted flowering plants blooming, the netted custard apple (cherimoya) fruit ready to be plucked, a nest made of twigs, two Magpie robins hovering over their nest in the trunk of an old coconut tree, the migrating water birds in a flight station, a common dove hidden in the foliage, and a new ant hill around the corner of the steps to the terrace.

I returned from the walk after gathering enough flowers for ther flower-vase in our drawing room. 

All these are sights that one can miss unless one one takes a quiet walk observing and looking expectantly.  

Each of these sights reminded me of different background stories of the past. One that stayed with me was why the rose plants are slow to flower. For some reason only few rose plants, blossom through out the year. It is probably because we do not have the know-how about caring for them in our garden. I took advice from  a few gardeners, but the advice is not yet yielding the benefit. 

Learning to care for plants is a science and an art. One needs time and patience to do this. I have learned from the way Anna looks after the kitchen garden. For good part of the year now, Anna manages to get some vegetables for our use , because she has is learning to plant and tend for them in a scientific way. Now she has ways of making compost from the waste at home.

Some things work and some things do not, which is what I make out from the experience of looking after a property.

The good side of living in a farm is that we live close to nature and can live in tune with the rhythm of seasons and the climate!

At the end of the walk, I felt energised by the sights and scenes that brought cheer and insights into every day life!

Jesus of Nazareth used the sights and scenes around him to speak in parables, with profound meanings - far more than what a talk could offer!

M C Mathew (text and photo).



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