27 October, 2013

A gift that tells another story!

I have often wondered how a lotus flower, so rich in colour, beauty and visual appeal can blossom from plants growing in stagnant, unpotable and muddy water!

It seems that the lotus plant has an inherent property to bring forth its resident beauty in its flowers, no matter what may be the content and constitution of the water. The lotus plant always gifts a bright flower.

There is a strong  argument that, humans are products of their environment. The moral and social values at home and in society are often referred to as the determining  factors for the way people live, behave and perform.

The lotus flower tells another story.

I met a student the other day, who spoke to me about his abusive childhood, stifling social milieu and appalling economic conditions, which had denied him opportunities in life. He has now become a diligent student, friendly and socially well adjusted with keen interest in helping other students who go through adjustment crises. He cares and encourages others to care. I was keen to know how he surmounted the ill effects of childhood trauma. He said, that he heard the Beatitudes spoken by Jesus of Nazareth read every day at the school assembly. That helped him from being a victim of circumstances  to experiencing the power of forgiveness. That is the gift he now offers to others.

What we carry within us is the spirit of love. It is this we can offer to others.

We cannot change the circumstances, but we can become changed people. Nelson Mandela suffered imprisonment for three decades of his life; his suffering made him give up violent methods and he led the nation to reconciliation with the help of Bishop Desmond Titu.

We are 'created for good works'! That is our vocation. Let us not become 'weary in well doing'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  

1 comment:

  1. This is encouraging ! Strange and Surprising but yesterday, I was meditating on the beatitudes and also paused, to observe the vibrant color of a lotus variant breaking through murky water at a friends place. You reminded me that so often we see, yet not perceive; hear but not really listen..
