21 October, 2013

Each is different but special!

The Magpie Robin is a bird that would attract anyone's attention. It is a small bird; it has an elegant white and black complexion; it feeds from the ground and therefore can be seen on foot paths; it has a melodious bird song which attracts the female birds during the mating season; it normally establishes its air territory and stays within it and does not allow other Robins to stay in that territory; it is not intimidated by other birds...

Each bird is different from the others. And each of them expresses itself in unique ways. That is what makes the world of birds interesting, informative and captivating.

This has an application for us. We live in a socially, economically, culturally and educationally divided world. Some have more opportunities to upscale their lives and others have a long wait. This creates tensions between different classes of people. We are a divided community of people alienated from each other due to our prejudices and presuppositions.

A Montessori teacher, who came to visit us today mentioned how children form all walks of life share the class room with equanimity, ease and confidence. Their social classes do not separate them. They are bound by bonds of shared learning and play experiences. They leave the school holding each other's hands.

The adults have something to learn from this. We are humans and therefore we belong to each other. Live and let live is to be our motto. This calls more loving disposition and caring attitude! Those who are different from us are also our brothers and sisters! Each of us has a place which we alone can occupy. We are indebted to each other for what we receive from each other. To live being mindful of our neighbours and to 'love them as ourselves' is a calling and virtue!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  


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