24 August, 2013

Unfolding the dormant abilities

I was most encouraged to watch Tina, who oversees the office affairs in the department where I work, take up an acting role in a skit, put up by the medical students on the occasion of an awareness meeting on child development. 

Tina communicated effectively and clearly. The message was well received by the audience. 

It was a discovery for all of us that Tina, who normally stays in the background and supports the team was willing to play another role. This made me realise that, most of us have  more abilities than we normally reveal in our daily work setting. 

Let me suggest at least three ways we can help people to go beyond, in discovering their dormant abilities. 

Create an affirmative environment for people to feel at home. If every act of kindness or thoughtfulness is  affirmed, it creates a new ambience of confidence. Many are hesitant or fearful because of a lingering thought, 'what if I fail'. It is important to convey that an attempt to do something, more than one is used to, is a good way to stretch oneself to be more creative or innovative.  

There is a need to notice the natural interests or inclinations. One seven year old girl who used to draw pencil sketches of nature, whenever she was travelling in train, had not noticed that she had an original view of nature, till an artist saw them and took her under her wings for advanced training. She has received three national level awards in less than one year. In case of Tina, I am not surprised by her acting skills as she is most natural and comfortable in most situations.

It is a good to entrust a person with a responsibility and support him or her through the process of implementing a project. Often, it is during exercising the skills needed to execute a task, most people suddenly become aware of a resident or dormant interest or ability. Another colleague mentioned to me the other day that, she discovered while preparing for the awareness event, that she can multitask without being stressed.  

Many people have dormant abilities. We can help them to discover them by our sound feed back and helpful support. This is another way of investing on others. This calls for genuine interest in the development of others. This is  nobler than an exclusive pursuit of a personal ambition.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)    

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