18 August, 2013

Strangers as Messengers of goodwill

These two men, were messengers of good will and kindness to me on two different occasions during the same week in August, 2012.

The one on the right happened to be passing by on his motor bike, when my car broke down on a lonely road around 8pm, ten kilometres away from the PIMS campus. He stopped and contacted the local service station to send a pick up team. He waited till the team arrived. In the mean time he fetched me a drink from a nearby shop and made me comfortable in the veranda of a home that he was familiar with. He came the next day to check if the car was repaired for my use.

During the same week, I left my camera in the basement canteen of the college and remembered about it only late in the evening. The person on the left in this photo, who works in the canteen had safely kept the camera in his custody. He was kind and did not make me feel guilty about my carelessness when I came to collect it.

It was only while archiving some photographs today, I remembered these two events which occurred during the same week, which had made me feel, even more sure about human goodness that still prevails. 

We are to be story tellers of human acts of kindness and gestures of good will which we experience, lest we allow cynicism and negativism to come to stay in our consciousness. 

When someone who saw me off in a taxi called back after forty five minutes to check if I had arrived safely, I was quickened in my conscience about the need to live mindfully of others. The way to overcome the evil of rudeness, indifference or anger is to sow acts of kindness whenever possible. This is the way to live peacefully with others. Love begets love and kindness brings forth fruits in season and out of season. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)       

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