30 August, 2013

The first Rose on a special day !

Only those, who have lived through the torrential rains in Kerala in July and August, 2013 can appreciate the respite we have now with bright sunshine for about two weeks!

The rose plants in our garden are about to bloom. Anna and I watch the buds springing in them each day expectantly. This first rose after the Monsoon brought sunshine to our heart. Its blooming almost coincided with Amy's birthday. A bounty of joy!

We have now time and opportunity to watch the nature closely, to know its rhythm and learn from it. The rose plants were almost bare and looked threatened by the rains and absence of sunshine for about three months. In fact some branches which got badly rain soaked did not survive. We moved the ones in the pots to a covered area and soon they sprouted fresh leaves. The ones planted in the soil, which draw our attention normally because of the flowers, faded away into the background. The croton plants were more obvious and prominent in the garden.

Dr. William Cutting who writes notes on senior citizens on his blog has recently touched upon the issue of 'forgotten presence'. Many senior citizens feel forgotten, more so when they become fragile, less mobile and prone to illnesses. It is a difficult season of their lives. But he writes about several examples of senior citizens being most useful and helpful to others. One doctor who is wheel chair bound, but mentally alert listens to at least three people a day, as part of his mentoring commitment.

This rose flower springing from stems, which were battered by rains, brought home an important  message to me: Every season in life has the potential to be like the spring after the winter!

Daily living can be saga of challenges and adjustments. Amidst all of them, there are joys that call for celebration and pondering. The joys make us joyful only if we can ponder over them, 'treasuring them in the heart' as Mary, mother of Jesus did, on receiving the good news from the angel about her chosen status to become the mother of Jesus.   

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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