03 June, 2021

An Infant my teacher!

I have been intensely involved over several years now, in finding out which children are naturally left handers and which of them have acquired left handedness. This journey started while observing this infant in action. It was easier in this case with the right hand in fisted position. The left handedness might have been acquired.

An ICMR student scholar at MOSC Medical College recently completed a study to find this in medical students. Out of 167 students, 39 were made to change from being natural left handers to use right hands by the persuasion of parents or teachers. There are few consequences of some concern in such students. 

It has been a theme in my conversation with parents for the last 25 years to encourage parents to allow the choice of using a dominant hand to children in the pre-school years. I want to take this campaign now to an evidence based platform!

It is not the cultural norms or traditional perspectives or parental aspirations which shall decide the dominant hand, but the cerebral wiring and hemisphere dominance!

It is a mission that I hope I can take forward for more awareness creation!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


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