10 January, 2018

When a book shows the way!

I found this book a valuable resource to understand what is going on in China after the Cultural Revolution!

Bishop Ting, who was the Principal of a college at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution had to work in the farm along with other labourers during the Revolution. The college was used as the regional office of the Revolution. 

At the end of the cultural Revolution, he was able to return to restart the college!

The talks which he gave after this experience globally is what is put together in the book.

There is profoundness of charity and tolerance he communicates about his experiences. 

I have read this book at a time, when I have faced a difficult season in my life, when the language of love and forgiveness is what I have been needing in my attitude!

We might suffer! But the suffering becomes vicarious when we become humane with the grace of seeing others as our brothers and sisters!

Yesterday, an office I went to get a help to restore our gas connection surprised me. It took less than five minutes for them to attend to me. I was touched by their goodness. It is goodness which is the antidote to anger or harm!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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