31 March, 2017

A habitat for butterflies!

The first step towards attracting butterflies to any garden is to have a corner in the garden which can grow wild with all kinds of natural flowers! 

I noticed that the butterflies in our garden seem to confine to one place where we do not groom the plants!

We need to create a habitat for them!

MCMathew( text and photo)

Chaplains for students!

One of the fascinating stories of MOSC Medical College campus life has been the involvement of the chaplains in the life of the students. The chaplains brought the student community together during the last two years in an admirable way. They got immersed in the life of students by listening and understanding the complex life situations of an adolescent generation, who come to study medicine. 

There are more group meetings, sports activities, social service activities, interclass and interpose events...

All of these made a significant difference for students to feel t home and to enlarge their social relationships. 

I have come across them ever ready and available to befriend students with a smile!

It is a message for the faculty that students are ready to move on, when we are ready to shepherd them!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

Rest a while!

I watched this squirrel as this moved form one tree to the other. It moved in a hurry often, but would stay in a restful position in between. 

Seeing this squirrel do this, for the last one month I have been following squirrels when ever I spot one! They too duo the same! They have in between times of rest!

The rhythm of life is rest and work! If is from being fresh we move to work! 

The restful times are for recovery of energy..... but rest is also a time of preparation. 

Yesterday, while talking to a student who is currently having university examination, I discovered that he found that taking planned rest was useful to him in his concentration and recollection! There are many physiological reasons for this. 

But there is one important emotional reason! Rest provides a distance from the routine! We can feel overcome by monotony when we do something routinely in which we are good at.  Our alertness can drop when we do something with least attention or mindfulness. It is through an attentive activity we feel satiated, which gives us a new energy to work!

The squirrels know it well and practice this all the time!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Flowers and seeds !

The flowers may fade away after a few days; but they become seeds later! This is the natural life cycle of this flowering tree!

I looked at the trees on either side of the road leading from the gate and some trees with flowers and others with seeds and in couple of trees with both!

These trees remind me of 'being there for others'!


From our garden!

Thanks to Anna, we have now about thirty different types of flowers in our garden!

It was a long journey to come to this place where we have flowers almost all through the year!

What flowers remind us of: freshness, fragrance and fragility!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

From a distance!

What you do when you are not equipped well for a close up photography!

I heard a bird song from a tree and I noticed a sparrow and a Robin... it was the Robin that was singing!

I knew that it was the male bird making its presence known in its territory form the way it was singing tunefully! Even after a while, I had not spotted a female Robin around!

The word songs make you pause, does it not!

It tells of us of an inner attitude and composure because music is the language of the soul!

I felt visited as I received the song as a music to my should !


In preparation for sports day!

It was an evening of many happenings and events in the sports field at MOSC Medical College!

It was after a break of a few years, the inter-house sports events have received a new spirit of enthusiasm! There is a refreshing inter-class participation which makes the atmosphere exciting!

There is a practice even for march past...there is an opportunity for everyone to participate! 

I am looking forward to the sports day!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Take a break!

One of the two in the picture is in the midst of preparing for his entrance examination for professional studies! But he is in the basketball court, shooting!

On another occasion when I met him in the campus, he told me that he was 'taking a break' from his books!

It is one of the best ways to practice integrated living!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Inter house football final!

For most of the time I watched the final game of the inter house football final match yesterday, it was a goalless game! I enjoyed the spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship that was on display!

It was a game in a true spirit of give and take played because they seemed to find some pleasure and perform to delight the spectators!


30 March, 2017

A compulsive worker!

I watched this caterpillar through a macro lens for fifteen minutes. I was amazed how it created two strong parallel bands to drag the leaves to close in to create a hollow space for it to enclose itself!

There is a sweeping movement of the head with the creation of strands . There is a side to side
movement and the strands are created with every movement. 

At the end of the creation of these bands the leaves had come closer! I was getting late for work... so I discontinued watching any further. When I cam back home it was already in its 'covered' space. 

The video I recorded is most revealing of this process, which is my first experience with macro videography!  It is an effort to keep the hand steady. 

A sight I almost missed!

During the early morning walk, I was looking for dew... I walked pass these lantern flowers more than once! It was when I was taking th photos of the delicate looking flowers, I saw through the macro lens the tiny drops of dew on the petals.

Is it it true that many beautiful things escape our attention! What we do not anticipate is sure to escape the attention! The photo of the single flower with a greater magnification reveals the dew even better. 

It is this which helps me to look at the content of any discussion. The ideas shared are directly representative of the insights of a person. Therefore ideas would have different levels of perception. 

We tend to drag a discussion into an argument because for  a moment in the heat of the discussion we loose sight of this foundational value- we think. see, hear and feel in resonance to our inner depth of perception! 

In search of a drop!

It is almost summer temperature during the day and the night temperature drops to have dew on the leaves.

I set out yesterday morning to  look for dew in the garden. Sure enough there were dew drops on the leaves, lawn grass and stems of plants.

It is only a drop but remains on the leaf till a movement of the leaf cause the water drop to fall off!

The water drops shines brilliantly in the morning sun!

There is so much to gaze and marvel at a water drop and it was a good beginning for the day!

M.C.Mathew( text and photo)

A farewell!

Professor Chitralekha, head of the department of Paediatrics retired after 17 years of work at MOSC Medical College. 

At the farewell yesterday, she mentioned that for her, taking care of children and teaching students have been the most pleasant experience in her life, although she has had difficult times personally!

She seems to be getting ready to do an online course on veterinary science as she is fond of dogs!

Dr. Chitralekha gifted Anna and myself her collection of poems. Each poem is about a child or a student or a dog or some of her personal experiences!

From the book of her poems I realised that behind her self-composed exterior there is an inner world of profound depth, meaning and mission!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

Hues of colours!

This is the fifth colour combination I found in temple flowers!

Every colour has a visual and emotional appeal!

It is a symbol of human experiences! Every experience has a different meaning and impact in our lives!

Yesterday, a family left after waiting for me for one hand half hours. I was called in for a meeting and the meeting got dragged to a longer time than I expected!

Later when I called the family to apologise, they were reluctant to accept my apology!

I realise that families feel inconvenienced when they cannot receive help at the earlier fixed time they asked for!

Another level of metanoia about my responsibilities!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo) 

All in one cashew nut tree!

The gardener who takes care of a 15 acre farm told me that this cashew tree was flowering and producing fruits for the last six months and by the time some of the tender cashews are ready for plucking it might be another there months! 

This is the effect of agricultural research, where the scientists produce hybrid saplings which has the potential to be perennial in fruit bearing! 

Fruit bearing! A challenge for humans!

Fruits are for others!

What of ourselves are deliberately meant for others is a question that surfaces in mind often!

A domestic helper who works in the place where I too work, knowing that Anna and I like jack fruit, bring jack fruit almost everyday from somewhere! 

Yes, there is a lot of self-giving all around us.... let his goodness inspire us to feel it worthwhile to continue doing good for others!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

29 March, 2017

Welcome, season of mangoes!

We have seven mango saplings in our garden. None of them is flowering during this season! But our neighbours have mangoes in their garden, which gives us an opportunity to watch them grow!

It is a fruit that has become a crash crop in the recent years with more land used for mango groves! While going through the highways, I notice banana plantation is getting replaced by mango groves!

What delights me even more, that there are more plant nurseries than ten years ago, that supply  saplings of variety of fruits.  So most kitchen gardens have some fruit bearing trees! We have nine different fruits we get from our garden !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Plants bereft of leaves!

A caterpillar also needs a habitat! 

But the way it eats away leaves and make the plants bare with no prospect of recovery for a while is a puzzle that I have not been able to resolve! A row of plants along the gateway are now home of the caterpillars. This happens at least twice a year! The plants do not have time to recover before another season of breeding starts!

It is an offence to spray them with insecticides! 

We have different species of  butterflies in our garden! That is a compensation!


A caterpillar weaves its cocoon!

I have spent sometime during the last two days to observe how a caterpillar weaves its cocoon! It moves its head in all directions and makes the filamentous layer around the leaves to make itself a protected space to hibernate! The progress it makes is worth watching! It forms a three layer protection around itself. It forms a territorial protection of bands of filaments first. Then it creates a hollow large enough for itself by blending the leaves together. Then it weaves a cocoon around itself!

It is a sight that can make anyone marvel! A tiny creature prepares a space for itself for its metamorphosis! It is in inbuilt in every caterpillar!

As we watch the mystery around ourselves, we can feel moved!  God has manifested Himself in nature in ways that can bring a new awareness of the wonder of creation! 


28 March, 2017

A lantern!

Every time Anna and I visit Pondicherry, we collect this handcrafted table lantern made of wax! It is product of the cottage industry in which women are involved mostly!

Although I do not light it often as it smokes, I like its appearance and elegance!

A lantern is symbol of light! Light shines and makes the dark to come to light!

It is therefore a symbol of life and living!

Jesus of Nazareth said, 'You are the light of the world'. Too profound to believe!

'This little light of mine.., let it shine' is a rhyme which children often sing in the nursery school. It says it all!

We are accountable to stay as a light!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Harvesting is also demanding!

As I watched the different steps in harvesting of paddy, I realised that it involved long hours of work enduring the heat of the day! Th women cut he paddy from its stalk and  men beat the bundle of the paddy on the ground to separate the grains. Then the grain and hay are dried in the sun! 

Between the time of planting and harvesting, there is again sustained care and nurture!

It is a toil for existence in one sense!

While talking to the labourers working in the  field I realised that it is for their livelihood they do this!

Yesterday, while talking to the last family who came for a consultation, I came across a similar story of travail and pain!

There is turmoil within and without!

It is this which offers a challenge to live conscious of the wounds of others and engage in the vocation of being 'wounded healers'!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

Flowers that do not fade in sunshine!

The temple flowers seem to be robust inspite of the day temperature touching 40 degrees celsius! Even when the tree does not receive any watering, the flowers remain fresh for days together!

I am sure there might be sound botanical reason for this. What drew my attention was its symbolic message!

The president of the United States of America made a remark recently, that 'we are robust nation'! A day after that there was a shoot out in a club killing one person! It was around the same time there was a terrorist attack in London!

We are in a hostile environment of hate, violence, anger, and revenge!

What these flowers represent is the opposite. Even when there is deprivation of water and extreme summer heat, what these flowers bring forth is beauty, elegance and splendour.

It is an invitation for humans to consent to be kindhearted and caring even when there is hardship, distress and intimidation.

'Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do', is the prayer of Jesus we read in connection with the crucifixion story!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


Lent and its focus!

Every time, I notice a crucifixion scene, I feel drawn by its visual artistic appeal !

But it is more than just that.

During this season, the church sets apart forty days to meditate on the events leading to the crucifixion and the scenes at Gethsemane and Golgotha! Somehow it is viewed as a season of  self denial, where we make changes in our food habits. 

A senior citizen asked me the other day, whether I have extended my time of reflective reading of the Bible during this season of lent! That question awoke me to the central focus of the lenten season!

It is a time to return our thoughts to God and stay in an attitude of openness towards God to experience his love and forgiveness and grow in grace towards our neighbours!

In the words of Jesus of Nazareth whose crucifixion we remember, our prayer ought to be, 'Let thy Kingdom come'. It is not an earthly kingdom, but of human brotherhood!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo) 

27 March, 2017

A debate in progress!

I attended a debate organised by the students of the MOSC Medical college on the National TB day. They debated on the question, whether three day or daily treatment schedule is desirable in view of the drug resistance that is emerging as a threat to the eradication of the disease!

The debate was informative, communicative and animated! It was the first time I attended a debate where students were participating!

Talking to them after the debate gave me a sense of their passion for what they believed to be true! Well done student friends!

A debate is for education and for embracing all shades of opinion or truth! It is a pleasure to watch healthy debates and dialogue as such exercises are uncommon. Even in the television debates, there is more fireworks, hence less light and more heat!


A macro view !

Yesterday I tried out a 28mm Macro lens in the M series that Canon recently introduced to the mirrorless camera! I found it effortful to get used to it. Although it has an Image Stabiliser, it is preferable to use a tripod while shooting! 

However, a flower is too difficult for focussing! I was glad that the lens gave a reasonably satisfying result for a start!

I revisited my photographic experiences  yesterday recalling all the cameras and shooting experiences I have had! It is one hobby that still fascinates me! My main interest is in shooting flowers, human faces and scenes and sights that provide a message!

All events have an immediate and symbolic meaning! I dwell on the symbolism of daily events!


Small things in life!

It was by accident that this filamentous and whitish looking seed got included in this photograph. It was just floating in the air!

It was too tiny to have been ordinarily noticed by the naked eyes! 

Life is often lived in a hurry. Small things in life do not receive enough attention as much as they ought to. It is less common for us to 'count our blessings' or acknowledge those because of whom the blessings have come to us. 

While travelling in a public transport, there was no vacant seat to sit. I had a shoulder bag to carry. A school going boy offered to keep my bag in his lap. I missed s step while climbing down the bus and another person rescued me from falling flat!

While walking back home, I entered my memory lane to recollect such small acts of kindness I received during the day! I reflected on the acts of kindness I offered to others!

We have an opportunity to offer and receive small gifts of love in our daily living!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

26 March, 2017

A message in Caring !

I had an unusual sight of ants carrying one of their dead ones! There was procession of ants carrying the dead one between themselves often taking turns!

Even ants have their rituals! They pay their respects to one of theirs!

It was a lesson in kindness. I found this on our garden while on a walk after listening to a news about a recent violence in one part of India over a  most silly reason!

Be respectful all the time!


Morning sight on 26th April, 2017

I was away for ten days! When I returned I found the flowering plants without flowers and even leaves. Th last but one picture shows how the plants normally look and the last one is an example of the damage!

As I went inspecting, I noticed half the life cycle of butterfly in the same plants! 

The first picture shows how the tender leaves fold up when the larvae is being formed. The next two pictures are of the larval stage. The third picture is of the in between stage of larva and pupa. The fourth and fifth pictures show the pupa in their cocoons. 

It was a fascinating sight, although I felt sad that they invaded all the flowering plants.

It is now a choice- whether to use insecticides or allow the plants to be damaged! I am thoroughly confused!  
