06 April, 2015

Growth and Fruit-bearing!

This is the season for most tropical trees to bear fruits. Even in our garden we have some fruit bearing trees that are in blossom which reminds us of what they are there for! After an year of caring for them they bear fruits in due season. 

As Anna and I are still making  sense of nature's rhythm, we stay in surprise and wonder when all on a sudden a tree blossoms readying itself for bearing fruits!

Of all the situations in life, it is by watching the plants and trees we get a sense of this rhythm of life! They grow up in tune with the nature's changing seasons! 

It is now thirty months since we came to live in this cottage. We have seen a lot in the property change and grow because of additional attention they received. The more you give attention, the more they seem to respond!

The meditation of my heart during the Easter week end was on the theme of growth and fruit bearing! Do I monitor my growing process! While my mind is being stimulated through reading, listening and acquiring knowledge, is my affect and feeling receiving equal attention! 'Jesus was moved with compassion' is an oft appearing passage in the gospel narration of His earthly life. It is through that optic of love, He saw, listened and received others into His life.  

Is my inner optic of the heart enlarging! This is one sign of growth and fruit-bearing!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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