04 October, 2012

Open door and beyond

One of the pictures, Anna and I were used to having in our dining room for the last 25 years, is a photo we took of a mountain ranges, through the open door of a building,  which gave a clear view of the mountain ranges. The picture captured a panoramic view of at least three levels of mountains in the distance. This picture became a symbol to us of the journey of life.

The photo reveals a lot of details of the mountains, which are proximal and only a bird's eye view of the mountains, which are in the distance. The details of the  distant trees, roads, buildings, etc are only faintly seen in the photo. There is a marked difference in the clarity and definition of the details between the mountains in the proximity and in the distance. Even a telephoto lens would retain the  difference.

I was reminded of this foundation to journey in life, when we looked at it recently while we were unpacking our boxes to choose some photos to hang on the wall of our current drawing room.

Often, we question, grumble or become impatient because we are not satisfied with the available visibility into our future. For some of us, even the details of one day is not sufficiently clear.

I like the way a child described to me about his day in the school. He is aware of the time table of the day and the names of the teachers, who would engage each hour, but not the content and the process the teachers would use to engage the class. He spoke contentedly of what he already knows of each day and was willing to wait for each class to unfold its own story. He felt satisfied to go to school not knowing what would take place in each session. In fact he mentioned to me that it is better to have surprises, which would make each day special free from the monotony of the routine.

It was when we had to stop to repair a flat tyre while on a long journey in the summer, we had an opportunity to visit a road side mango fruit exhibition with over fifty varieties on display, which was an eye opener to us of the extent to which farmers have progressed in specializing in hybrid varieties of mangoes. We were made to suffer an interruption, only to gain from it.  

We are 'runners' and 'achievers' by instinct and choice. We are almost carried in a conveyer belt of jobs, responsibilities and expectations that we spend most of our time looking at the immediate. Our mind is occupied and is full that we do not lift our eyes to see the vision of life beyond the immediate.

Dr. William Cutting, a senior Paediatrician who writes a news letter for senior citizens, commenting about the Paralympics, which concluded last week in London, mentioned, that, ' Olympic games were spectacular and medal driven. But people with different abilities participated in the Paralympics for the pleasure of being together. Even those who could not train themselves felt at home in the company of others who won or lost. It was a community of those who performed and participated.'

We need a new vision to life and living. The open door invites us to believe that , we are all children in the family of God. There is only 'one community, whose fountain head is God'. Let us live reminding ourselves of this original reality which would unfold to fuller reality in the fullness of time !  

M.C.Mathew (Text) Not able to upload the photo.  

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