The unedited photo above of a rose flower in our garden was captured in the automatic mode in the camera at day break.
The following five photos of the same rose flower after editing show differences of colour, shade and appearance.
The light alters the appearance.
The light within us is the optic thorough which, we hear and see to make impressions of what we see or hear. The images formed in our conscious mind is based on how the optic of our seeing or hearing is influenced by the earlier impressions, openness to receive or process the information! The inbuilt filters that exist in our mind modify the visual or auditory impression to suit us.
There is a subjectivity in our perception. I have some struggle to filter an information objectively, as existing filters or bias or preferred way of thinking interferes with the processing. This psychological trick that our mind plays with us, to choose to receive an information akin to what we are more comfortable with, is a reason for fixation in thinking.
To revise the earlier impression or the pathway of thinking that I am used to, is a choice that I find it difficult to make as such an openness moves me out of my comfort zone.
To be open is an ability to accept the truth without being influenced by my natural inclinations.
How to pursue truth and grow in readiness to accept it without being filtered by impressions or my preferences?
I found three men, fishing in a narrow stream below our cottage. They were involved in trapping the fish into their net by chasing the fish in that direction. For about twenty minutes or so, when I watched this, I did not seem them succeeding !
Those men believed in their efforts and pursued! My temptation was to think that it was not likely to yield results.
I asked one of them as to how long they would keep trying! 'Till we are tired', he replied!
I saw that activity from the point of view of returns on their efforts, whereas, they looked at it as activity to explore an interest!
These are shades of truth! I viewed the exercise from my mind set. Those men viewed it as a worthwhile activity as it was a pursuing an interest, for which the outcome alone was not the deciding factor!
I sometimes find myself trapped in my own impressions.
To grow to be integrated in thinking, freed from the bias of the first impressions, is a path worth pursuing !
M.C.Mathew(text and photo)
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