06 January, 2025

The giving habit!


This bunch of Plumeria flowers in our garden had something strange at day break. The central two flowers had drops of dew on them. The other two looked dry without the dew. That difference might be on account of many reasons. 

What intrigued me was a question. Is it the normal way that some receive more than the others!

I looked at other Plumeria flowers taken a few days ago when the dew was noticeable in the lawn. Some flowers looked moist with drops of dew, but others looked dry at daybreak. 

The dew was given to all, but received and retained by some flowers!

The giving and receiving!

This is an oft asked question by parents. How is that although both children received similar upbringing, both children are temperamentally different when they grow up ?

I know of parents who live in guilt over children behaving differently than what was anticipated. This raises doubts in the mind of parents about slips that occurred in their parenting practices!

I believe that most parents give to their children attention and care generously and optimally. However children receive them differently and build on them by the choices they make. 

In the parenting function, giving is the role each parent can offer thoughtfully and kindly. That ought to be the vocation of parenting presence in the lives of our children! Giving and freeing children to choose the path ahead!

There is a message for parents and children in this metaphor that I noticed in the Plumeria flowers! The dew was given alike to all flowers. Some receive and retain them till the sunshine dries it; some flowers for some reason only receive it, but cannot retain it; whereas some flowers might not be able to receive the dew. 

The giving is independent of how it is received! When the night temperature drops, the dew is formed. Giving is therefore spontaneous. 

A married daughter who lost her mother recently keeps visiting her parent's home frequently. She attends to the needs of her husband's family, takes care of her son and is engaged in a part time job in an office. I happened to ask her recently about her wellness amidst her multi tasking. Her response was: 'I was given so much while growing up that I want to do something for my father and brother when they are in need'!

A good example of how much she valued what was given! She received them and multiplies them now by giving!

The cycle of giving and receiving continues in all human relationships!


M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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