09 January, 2025

Eyes to see and heart to feel!


I have been used to tracking the movements of the birds in our garden. For some reasons, the regularly visiting birds are not around at day break. Such episodic absence is not common. I wonder why?

A neighbour needed to use dynamite to break a layer of granite on the floor of the newly dug well. Did that loud sound frighten the birds! 

We have had a fox wandering in the garden at night. I noticed that foxes search for food and water, which they found at the feeding station for birds. Now we empty the feeding basins of water and food in the evening so that foxes do not thrive on them. 

As it is a transition season, we do not have many flowers in our garden. I walked around in the gardena and found the above flowers looking adorable and fresh. The day temperature is low now because of which these flowers last longer and look fresher. 

There are changes that happen around us in nature. We are often  unaware of them.

A crow perched on a tall tree was engaged in repeated and long bird calls! It's call sent a distress signal!

I happened to notice a Barbet flying in to be perched in the Papaya tree! It did not move to the feeding station. 

I spotted two waterbirds in the vicinity! Did their presence inhibit other birds!
The avian dynamics and behaviour are worth understanding. As the marshy ground below our cottage has dried up and some part of it has become a rubber nursery, the water birds often look for shelter and food elsewhere.  

The displacement of birds from their normal habitat  is an unfortunate outcome of using the green belt for infrastructure development. 

Since we started noticing the insecurity the small birds feel in the morning because of the presence of larger birds, we started to fill the feeding basins in the evening. This has helped some beds to return !
The silence of the golden hours in the morning and evening in our garden is most unusual! Birds had their songs for us, which we miss now. Some of them waited till their bird calls brought us out to the garden for the social contact.!

I hope this rhythm would soon return in our garden!

I read a text from the book, The power of the heart- finding your true purpose in life by Baptist De Pie: ' The language of the heart is feelings. When you follow your heart, you listen  not to your head, but what you feel is right. The voice of your soul also speaks through your heart, which, like a compass, points you in the right direction. The seat of your soul-you spiritual essence, is within your heart' (p18).

Jesus of Nazareth in His discourse, referred to as sermon on the Mount had a profound message: '..where your treasures, there will be your heart also' (Matt 6: 21-23). Jesus associated the heart with the lamp of the eye. 'The lamp of the body is eye; off therefore your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light.....if therefore the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!'

The eye sees and the heart feels to make life a treasure of goodness and goodwill. 

I wish seeing and feeling would become a natural human instinct to sense the needs of others and our hearts are moved to care!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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