31 January, 2025

Enough for us and others!

A garden brings the message of abundance. 

There is more than enough for us and others! 

The habit to develop is to share with neighbours. We benefit from the giving habit of our neighbours. Anna visits the neighbours to share the farm produce with them.

My earliest memory of sharing the farm produce with neighbours is of  carrying papaya fruits, pineapple, banana and jack fruits to our neighbours. My parents were particular to share these fruits which were plenty in our garden. 

The school where I studied in our village had several mango trees. The headmaster would warn the students not to pluck them on their own; he would have the fruits plucked and distribute to students every year to carry home.  The class rooms were distributed in the campus. Adjacent to a cluster of class rooms there were three or four mango trees which gave enough fruits to share with students in the classes located near the mango trees. I remember how this restrained students from wanting to pluck them on their own. I remember some students recalling this 'discipline' introduced to them as an experience they carry with them, while recalling the years spent at the school on the occasion of the farewell in the final year. 

The virtue of sharing is something worth treasuring. 

An auto driver brings us vegetables from his garden periodically. On one occasion he told us that, it is only when he can share the farm produce with others he feels fulfilled. 

It is true that we live in an insular world where living privately is a norm. Living mindfully of others and their needs has a dimension of enlarging our lives with thoughtfulness and openness. 

Our car needed some repair and was in the garage for two days. The service supervisor contacted me twice in a day to update me on the progress of repair. Yesterday, when I met him, I complimented him for his thoughtfulness to stay in touch, to which he replied, 'it was one way to convey that we care for your car'. For him to think beyond the business obligation was a pleasant surprise to me. 

A friend from overseas sent me a message yesterday to enquire how Anna and I are doing! It bought an encouragement because we stay in his orbit of thoughtfulness. 

Life when lived with a mindful space for neighbours, flourishes offering shelter and comfort to others!

Each of us has plenty to offer to others! We cause them to feel encouraged when we can serve them with our acts of kindness! 

We in India remembered Mahatma Gandhi yesterday, who was assassinated on 30 th January1948 when he was coming out after a multi-faith prayer meeting. He lived his life thinking of others and initiated the freedom movement in a non violent way! He paid the price for standing up for religious tolerance and social justice! 

We live in India at a time when religious fundamentalism is controlling the national polity!

There are some politicians who  remind us of equality, fraternity and liberty! They do so self givingly!

M.C.M Mathew(text and photo)

30 January, 2025

Flowers and fruits !

What occurred to me yesterday as our domestic worker brought these banana bunches from our garden, ready to be sold, is the giving nature of our garden. There will be some flowers or fruits in our garden all the time. 

Our domestic worker has a 'feeling' disposition towards plants and trees. Now that summer heat is crossing 32 degrees, he cares to irrigate the land two to three times a week. This domestic worker helped for a season, when my parents were most active with farming. He therefore has a scientific approach to taking care of the farm. 

I get a feel of the distress of the farming community. When I take the banana bunches to the market, I will be offered Rs 15 for a kilogram of bananas, where as, it will be sold in the shops as ripe banana for Rs 75 a kilo. This is what the farmers all over the country is communicating to the local governments that a minimum purchase price ought to be  fixed for farm produce so that farmers get at least fifty percent of the price. It is only then the farmers can live from the income from the farm. 

The farmers from Haryana have been on protest for three months now with a few on hunger fast pleading for Minimum Standard Price for farm produce. 

The large corporate establishments have come into buying and selling of farm produce, eliminating the regular daily markets where the farm produce used to be sold. The farmers are compelled to sell at a low price to the corporate firms who then would transport the produce to the cities to keep in cold storage and sell in the retail market controlling the price at their will. The price of Onions, Pulses, Apple and such products go high to benefit the corporate sector. The government seems to be on the side of the corporate sector favouring them to create the capitalistic economy. 

The social welfare and distributive justice which used to be the climate in the country is getting replaced by consolidation of wealth in those who are resourceful. 

Our domestic helper told me yesterday, that there are about thirty people in our village who have different forms of cancer and some are not able to access treatment as the treatment is only available in the private sector. The nexus between the corporate health sector and the insurance companies create another hurdle for genuinely needy people to receive health care as specialised health care is available in the government sector only in a limited way. 

The earth gives its produce. The farmers till the land. The beneficiaries are middle men and the corporate businesses. 

It is when I see the flowers in our garden, I get a relief from the stress of this maldistribution of resources. The flowers appear and disappear after having been present with their nectar for a few days. 

None of us can change a system when the powerful in the society controls the distribution of resources. 

The newly installed president of the USA speaks a language of arrogance, defiance and vengeance. The migrant community suffers because of his policies and the oligarchs remain protected even if they are tax evaders. The latest unsettling message is a letter that has gone out to 2 million government staff to offer resignation! I suppose the president of the USA comes with a history of a belief system that 'I have my way and there is no other way'. The president  has moved the court to free him of the conviction for the out of court settlement of his personal misconduct, for which he was found legally guilty, but punishment not rendered as he was the president elect! Now he wants the offence erased!

I feel compelled to believe that social justice will be denied in the affairs of nations. With Israel offering no assistance to help residents of Gaza who return to their homes, it is clear that humanitarian thoughtfulness has retreated from the social obligations of the powerful governments.  

I wish there will be many more advocates who practice 'loving our neighbour as ourselves' !

This year being the 125th anniversary year of the Christian Medical College, Vellore, I draw my comfort from its founder, Dr Ida Scudder who during her life time spoke the language of love, quoting from the New Testament of the Bible, (I Corinthians 13: 4-8) :

" Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous, love does not brag and is not arrogant; does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered; does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..  "

Dr Scudder seems to have used this text to speak whenever she was asked to lead the chapel services. She read this text to students and visitors who came to meet her on Friday evenings. Her prayer in circulation was this:

"Father, whose life is within me,
and whose love is ever about me,
Grant that Thy life may be maintained in my life
today and every day,
as with gladness of heart, without haste or
confusion of thought,
I go about my daily tasks, 
conscious of the ability to meet every rightful demand,
seeing the larger meaning of little things,
and finding beauty and and love everywhere
in the sense of Thy presence, may I walk
through the hours,
breathing the atmosphere of love rather than
anxious striving.."

The counter culture to the current self-promoting pursuit is self-giving love. 

On 24th May, 1960 when she entered her eternal rest, she left behind her story of how a corn of wheat fell on the soil to bring much fruits. 

That is why the call of the flowers and fruits to be giving, resonates within our hearts!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

29 January, 2025

A defiant political leadership !

At the  day break our garden comes alive with the twilight bringing sights and scenes which captivate us. 

A few days bak, it was the stillness of Daphne, hearing a bird call of a Kingfisher, perched in the coconut palm that caught my attention. Every time there was a bird call from the King fisher, Daphne paused to listen to look, although she did not spot the direction from where the bird calls were emerging!

The day temperature is now reaching 32 degree celsius, which normally occurs only in March. 

With president Trump withdrawing from the Paris agreement on climate protection, I wonder if the nation of such outstanding scientific temper can ever overlook the climate change which is causing alarming changes! Even worse is its dissociation from the World Health Organisation, which directed the pathway for 'Health for all'! 

The Barbet and the two Bulbuls waiting for their turn to feed from the feeding basin, is a symbol of how we are dependent on the climate to bring favourable conditions to give us food to live on! How can the President of the United States of America overlook this and the scientific community in the USA silently consent to this unwise step of ignoring the Paris agreement on climate control!

The power of position is for leadership of a nation with wisdom, foresight and insight! Most of the actions which president of the USA initiated in the first week of his presidency seem to be punitive or revengeful!

Is the USA  also moving in the direction of oligarchy! The language of intolerance towards the immigrants is disheartening! 

The serene look at day break which the garden offers each morning, is no more a symbol of hope when we look at the affairs of nations. There is a drift towards extremism and intolerance!

Although we celebrate the 75th anniversary of India becoming a republic with a constitution, we find social and economic diversity, with the elected national government favouring the rich to have better access to their industrial growth. 

The telephone revolution in India with mobile phone access was initiated by the government owned BSNL Today, by neglect and deliberate indifference, two or three private companies have dominated the control of the network with BSNL struggling to exist as the government is nor more its guardian to protect its growth. India too is sending signals to favour the emergence of Oligarchs!

To me, each day break is an opportunity to behave in a friendly manner to our neighbours. If one third of the population in India is at the bottom of the pyramid economically and socially, they are our neighbours!

Let each day break bring this awareness to us and others! 

The food basin in our garden brings fifty or more birds to our garden for their feed each day! That tells me how much the birds are dependent on what others can offer!

Will the government and all those engaged in promoting equity turn their attention towards the one third of our population, who live marginalised!

Sometimes the Good Samaritans continue their good work silently without receiving acknowledgement for their good work. 

I met a doctor from Sivakasi, who for the last twenty five years have been involved in supporting parents to develop sounding parenting skills. Listening to him about the different ways he and his wife do this made me feel that they have a heart that feels for parents and their children. 

Such people are the 'salt and light' in a troubled world!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

28 January, 2025

People denied of justice!

The Palestinians are returning to Gaza since the cease fire was announced by Israel and Hamas.  

When hundreds are returning to Gaza from their asylums where they spent a year or more, what do they find in their home towns? 

A devastating look, most of them having no trace of their houses; and others with partially destroyed houses and many with empty shells of their homes with no household possessions !

As I walked in our garden, I found the above rose flowers in a shrivelling state, at the end of their bright and colourful presence for several days. 

What appalled me was the 'no aid policy' of the USA articulated by the president and the neighbouring countries turning the other way, when hundreds would be living in Gaza in make shift conditions with no permanency of shelter or provisions to restore their lives to normalcy. 

The victims of war continue suffering unjustly. I feel lost that the United Nations Organisation appears unable to be proactive towards the rehabilitation of victims of war!

How can the nations of the world despise human life this way! 

How can Israel be so indifferent and stubborn to deny the Palestinians their territory to continue as a nation!

The voice of those, who take sides of the Palestinians is not strong enough to influence the nations, who are in a position to offer humanitarian assistance!

When human beings loose the humane approach to life and living, we return to a 'barbarian' culture! The rich nations of the world are into conquering the moon, mars and the outer space. But they are indifferent towards their hurting neighbours in Gaza!

There is a contradiction of justice and peace in the above approach!

I hope nations of the world would arise to make it easier for the Palestinians! I hope Israel will let the Palestinians live in Gaza and make that their homeland!

In a garden, if there are only withering roses, it suggests that the garden is left unattended!

Is that what the well to do nations of the world are to be known for, when the history of this season will be written for the future generation- that the wealthy and prosperous nations allowed the Palestinians to suffer  even after the war!

I wish the nations of the world declare war as uncivil and do everything to restore wellness to people who are victims of war!

The above rose bushes in our garden with the flowers in a withering state, remind me of hundreds of bruised and hurting families, walking with their children and shoulder bags, towards Gaza in search of their home.  Who caused these families to wither! The government of Israel and mindless behaviour of Hamas!

Now we add agony and despair to these families, if nations with resources do not come forward to extent a helping hand to redeem their future!  

Will the nations of the world share their humanitarian help to people of Gaza or be prisoners of the policy of the American president of 'no aid to Palestinians' !

Let voice of reason and compassion prevail!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)


27 January, 2025

Listening brings calm !

I heard a Magpie robin at day break in our garden, tunefully and softly singing in different pitch. It looked around in all directions and seemed to sing for a purpose!

That is a when I noticed a Pond heron in the meadow, still and alert, turning and walking in the direction of the Magpie robins' bird calls,

The Pond heron stayed looking and took small steps to move in the direction of the bird call. 

While the Magpie robin was spotted on the same site at day break with its bird calls, the Pond heron was not a regular visitor to the garden. 

It was the noise of a vehicle on the road which disturbed both of them to fly away. 

I remember hearing from a keen bird watcher that some birds have a  social purpose for their bird calls. Along with announcing its presence during the breeding season, some birds also seek for reciprocal bird calls to develop a sense of 'belonging' to other birds in the territory. 

The high pitched short and long bird calls of a Magpie robin have one distinctive feature. It moves its body and lifts the tail when the bird call is long and loud. Such long and loud calls are interspersed between short calls. There is a tonal variation during its duration  for such calls. Even birds have a language of communication in their calls. The loud and long bird calls are an invitation for other birds of the same species. The tuneful calls of male birds can entice a female bird during the breeding season. 

What surprised me on this occasion was the way a Pond heron tuned in to listen and pause in stillness, to respond the bird call of a Magpie robin.  

When we listen attentively to others, it can have a calming effect if our focus is to receive what is spoken. The hurry to respond by gathering our thoughts, is what makes us loose the intent and content of what was spoken. 

Listening is an active process to receive the person who is speaking and what is being spoken. 

I came back from this educative lesson, thinking how much more am I to grow to be 'quick to listen and slow to speak' !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

A journey of purpose!

The Christian Medical College, Vellore is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2025 

The Child Health services at CMC Vellore is entering its 119 years since it started much before such services began elsewhere in India 

The above photograph of the Child Health department taken last week when Dr Raghupathy gave the heritage lecture on the evolution of child health services at CMC was a special occasion to recall the story of contributions this department to develop child health services and eight subspecialties in Paediatrics.  

The developmental Paeditrics Unit which is now in its 27 th year started a day care service for developmentally challenged children last week in the seventh floor of the A block, with advanced facility to provide integrated services with involvement of other specialities. It is intended to offer help for children, who come from far away places during the first visit without having to wait.  

The present team of professionals in the Developmental Paediatrics Unit is an enthusiastic group with their eyes on details of child development and their heart set on sensing the way forward for children by accompanying families and training professionals in this discipline. 

It was a special occasion to meet Dr Jacob John, a pioneer who fostered Polio and Measles eradication in India with revised immunisation schedule.  Dr Samuel Oommen and Dr Beena Kurien, who are senior consultants in developmental Paediatrics  were the first two to complete the Fellowship in this speciality in India. 

Dr Samuel Oommen and his team of professionals in the Developmental Paediatrics Unit is now excited to relocate the facility in the new hospital for children in the Ranipet campus which  will offer the Unit more space and facilities! 

For Anna and me this visit to the child health department and Developmental Paediatrics Unit brought back memories of how  ASHIRVAD, an Initiative for Child Development was offered an opportunity to partner with  CMC in 1997, at the initiative Dr V.I.Mathan, the director of CMC, to start the Developmental Paediatrics Unit.  What this Unit has become academically in its leadership in the country is an immense delight. Its trajectory in the future is sure to surprise us, as the future is full of opportunities that the Unit is preparing to engage in child development and rehabilitation. 

This Bulbul flying away after its feed from the feeding basin in our garden, became an imagery of how developmentally challenged children come to the Developmental Paediatrics Unit at CMC Vellore  to find help and guidance and return to explore possibilities ahead of them!

Three cheers with flowers from our garden, to all the professionals and support staff at the Developmental Paediatrics Unit for their faithful service!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

23 January, 2025

Beyond what happened!


A hedge plant in our garden showed signs of leaves turning yellow and falling off in one plant. Something happened to affect its wellness. We are trying to revive the plant. Often it is a disease caused by insects or caterpillars feeding on the leaves. 

Yesterday our car developed a snag. We are due for a long distance travel. It was evening and the garage would have been normally closed. I called a number and the response was quick: 'May I help you'? I was asked to bring the vehicle and the mechanic worked on it till about eight at night. The supervisor checked the car the next day and certified the car suitable for  long travel. 

Something had happened to the car, but what stays with me is the courteous and thoughtful support from the mechanical team at the garage. That diffused my anxiety. 

The car mechanics are good problem solvers. I encountered another skill they carry, which is offering  calming assurance and comforting message.  I noticed a composure in their tone of voice and critical planning.

As a physician, I carried a message with me from them. They did not dwell on the snag to magnify it, instead turned my attention to how it can be rectified with return of good function. 

I realised how as a physician I can sometimes dwell too much on the developmental delay of a child,  adding stress to an already distressed family. Instead if the conversation can centre on the details to help a child and lead a family towards that, then the parents would go back with hope and encouragement. 

For a family the difficulty is at two levels- the developmental delay and the closed door of opportunity for the child educationally. 

I recalled yesterday some instances, when the parental level of comfort and involvement was considerably palpable, because the attention was on exploring the next step.

From dwelling on 'what happened', the attention if drawn towards 'what next', there is hope in the horizon. 

I felt that I had an advanced educational input yesterday on motivational thinking from the motor mechanics! Their demeanour is not like the highly rated life coaches; but they were path finders to me when I needed an emotional recovery!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)


The silent presence!

Some flowers blossom all through the year and therefore do not get noticed! The familiarity of their presence reduces them to be ordinary. The bees and insects come to them to gather nectar. Perhaps it is when I see it, I remember the presence of these flowers. 

Sometimes it is the periodic absence, during the in between times  which makes some flowers get noticed.

A pre-school child who is noisy and disruptive gets more attention than a child who fits in to the routine at home. 

Each child merits attention equally and differently!

A family with two children who are in the pre-school level told me that their daughter fits in to a routine and is 'easy' going where as their son who is younger is into some mischief or another every day!

The parenting stye needs to be individually tailored to meet the needs of each child. A child who integrates well to the routine of the home  and a child who needs attention to regulate his behaviour are alike in one aspect- each child is in a stage of formation of his or her behaviour. 

During the pre-school years a child's behaviour is a reflection of how a child perceives the environment. 

A family evolved a schedule of 'giving attention' to their son through a plan of activities each day that in three weeks his insistence, disruptive pattern or noisy responses changed into waiting for his turn showing participation in activities in an interactive way. 

The parenting style changed and a pre-school child was quick to respond!

One child adapts to the routine of home easily and a sibling adapts when he or she is directed to adapt. 

The impulsive behaviour of a child can be an imitation of the impulsive behaviour of parents. 

The flowers above are silently present in the garden. Some other flowers by their presence and absence get noticed more. 

The parenting is an attitude towards children to upbuild them by making the environment more suiting to the needs of each child. 

I feel that parenting is a convergence of science, art and consistency of attention!

The parenting presence, differently designed to suit the needs of each child is what makes childhood a formative season!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)