01 February, 2024

At day break !


Watching an Egret calls for waiting as it can stay in one posture for a good bit of time, longer than what can hold one''s attention. For about 20 minutes, that I watched this Egret, I noticed this to stay in this posture. 

There are a few coconut palms in our garden, where Egrets arrive early in the morning. Till a few weeks ago, there were few of them who used to perch on tree foliage in our garden. 

I have not been able to make the differences between different species of Heron and Egret. I therefore take photos to have a collection of all the water birds that visit our garden. It is easy to take pictures of these birds as they stay still in one place for a while.

It is now 25 years since I got interested to observe bird behaviour. One special interest was to observe their normal behaviour, and behaviour associated with feeding time, mating season, nesting season, anxiety or stress or quarrelsome behaviour. 

While crows are confrontational when other birds occupy their territory, most of the other smaller birds are habit driven. The Bulbul, Sunbird, Parakeet, Magpie Robin, Tree pie,  Barbet, Tailorbird, Wagtails, Leaf bird, Kingfisher, Wood pecker and Myna, who are regular visitors in our garden, have a considerable accommodating behaviour towards each other. 

I have found Woodpecker and Squirrel perched adjacent to each other; Kingfisher and Barbet close to each other, Bulbuls and Magpie robin on the adjacent branches of a tree, Sun birds and Bulbuls next to each other, Tree pie and Magpie robin on the same tree.... the avian world is one of considerable accommodation at least among the smaller birds.

What looking out for birds in our garden each morning, brings to me is a sense of wonder! They come to the same place on most mornings and engage in their daily ritual. 

A sense of wonder and appreciation for avian life grow within me! There is something beyond species identification and photography that are associated with birding for most people. One person told me that he feels more composed, after having been with birds in the open space. 

I felt drawn by the composure of the Egret in this text! Its engaging and patient look! What is behind it! 

A sense of wonder, mystery, and surprise-that is what I carry back with me after watching bird behaviour for a while in the mornings! It has become a routine which adds to the meditative view of things and happenings around me !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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