02 February, 2024

The sunrise scenes!

If I have an opportunity, I like to be in our garden, in the twilight of the morning, waiting for the sunrise and the first sights of, the greenery turning  colourful and spectacular !

In just a few minutes after sunrise, the brilliant look reflecting the light from the foliage, mildly covered in the dew of the night, is all around. That array of shades of colours on the leaves, in the sunshine of the morning, is unique to the dawn of the morning. 

In the brilliance of the sunlight, later in the day, the appearance is monotonous and less striking. The golden hue of the dawn adorns the foliage into distinguishable colours. 

I find this transition time in nature as a symbol of the awakening that takes place within us when we have a flashing insight or new consciousness about a reality that remained hidden for a while. 

The sunshine is one large source of support for the flora and fauna.

Anna and I were listening to the experience of a friend, who is working out as to what might be a suitable educational environment for her children. Till then,  she has started them on home schooling!  Children need the sunshine of moral environment, formative ambience, creative exploration, interactive engagement, and upbuilding social setting.  The regular class room atmosphere is lacking this integrated view of childhood education!

Children need an awakening to sense who they are and who they are becoming! 

Every child is destined to blossom!

The enabling environment makes the buds to become flowers!

The home and school together provide that enabling environment! The parents and teachers are the formatters of childhood! They bring the sunshine of understanding and enlightenment to children's life !

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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