03 July, 2022

At Dawn !

Some sights are spectacular and captivating!

This photo of the last week stands out in my collection of about five hundred pictures of the week. 

It was taken when the subdued sun rays through the thick foliage were falling on the bunch of flowers. It was the twilight of the morning. The rain drops were visible on the petals. The hues of multiple colours were visible. The buds and flowers appeared spectacular and brilliant to look at.  There was a sobering message of hope and charm in the bunch of flowers. 

The fragile flowers which last for a day or two looked ornamental and adorable. 

It was the sunshine which provided the flowers this impressive appearance. It got clothed in the sunshine of the morning. Something more than what it possessed was added to it by the sunshine. 

A boy was given by his family a food packet for his meal, while he set out to listen to Jesus of Nazareth. It had five loaves of bread and two fish. The boy gave it away to Andrew, a follower of Jesus, who was searching for food to feed five thousand people, who had gathered to listen to Jesus. On receiving the packet of five loaves and two fish, Jesus blessed and broke them, After feeding the five thousand there was plenty of food left over. The boy had just enough food for his meal. When what he had, received the transforming attention of Jesus, it got multiplied into several fold. This miracle of feeding the five thousand is centred around a small packet of food. 

What we have, our skills, abilities, and acts of kindness have the potential to have a multiplying effect when God's blessings fall on them! 

Just as a lamp has to be on a lamp stand, the talent of abilities we carry ought to be brought into the lime light of God's transforming touch!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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