29 August, 2021

Each day of the seven days!

I looked at the photos of the rose flowers, which I took each day during the last week. As I put them together, I received an overview of the rose bushes in our garden. There were many things in common and yet some differences. 

That gave me an opportunity to look back on each day of the week at work and at home. Three insights surface as I look back over the week.

Welcome interruptions.  On every occasion when I related to an interruption reasonably and comfortably, there was a new insight. An interruption from a visitor, although was in the midst of work, brought a perspective about the COVID pandemic, that is still not under control in Kerala. He said that it might have something to do with the life style of those in midlife in Kerala. About thirty or more percent people have hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity or coronary heart disease. The alcohol consumption is high, with about 20 percent in the mid life being alcohol dependent. This seems to be a subject of considerable interest for epidemiological investigation among some researchers. It was good to see how new perspectives are emerging about possible reasons for high infectivity rate in the state of Kerala. 

Offer listening time.  A friend who dropped in had a personal story to share about a recent disappointment and stressful situation. At the end of about half an hour of narration of his story, this person himself discovered a way forward without me having to suggest anything. This self discovery was possible because he listened to himself while talking. He needed that conversation and patient listening to experience a resonance in his heart about the direction that  was  emerging!  Listening offers attention and acceptance. That can be a pathfinder for those seeking for answers!

Trust the creativity of others.  A suggestion to reorganise a facility to make it more child friendly, was picked up by a colleague who initiated several changes with he help of others. The result was a transformed place beyond my expectations. Although I was asked opinions, I was short of ideas. I am glad that I did not have ideas to offer. When it was entrusted, it received attention and creative touch. It is necessary to let others exercise their freedom of imagination when a task is committed to them, rather than stifle them with conditions or stipulations. 

What is common between the different rose flowers and each day of the week. Each rose flower is distinct with its own colour, fragrance and form. Similarly each day brings its own purposes into our lives. It is when we can draw together the different insights of a week, we can find the summary of the learning experiences of a week. 

We are learning and growing! Take time to find the way marks of our learning journey! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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