15 December, 2020

Hanging on !

As I watched this dry leaf suspended by a strand of a web and swing in the wind, I was taken back!  The the strength of a strand of a web! I looked for this sight in the morning and evening and it is now seven days, it is still there. In between we had rainfalls on two occasions. 

The dry leaf happened to be caught in the web when it fell off the branch. 

To me it came as a message! There are times in life, when one is in a precarious position at work place, home life, relationships with familiar people, social life, etc. I have been in such a a situation at work place, where on account of the COVID 19, we have had to discontinue all physical consultations for children. This has inconvenienced the families and children. It has affected the professionals. The income to sustain the department has been negligible for nine months now.  The morale of the team is also low. I have struggled with it a lot!

Although I turned my attention to consolidate the last eight years with a handbook on Developmental Paediatrics and create an On-line platform of learning for parents, professionals and a support system for children who are developmentally challenged, the progress has been slow. There have been discouragements along the way. I hope I can continue these efforts! 

As I watched this leaf remaining held by a strand of a web, I felt lifted up in my spirit. One can learn to stand even in a slippery ground.  

Most difficult circumstances leave behind some lessons in fortitude and steadfastness. If at the end of holding on if the leaf were to be separated from the web strand and fall to the ground, it decomposes to enrich the soil under the tree. The leaf would have fulfilled its full role. The fear of losing an opportunity therefore need not overtake even when we are caught in a difficult situation. Out of an apparent loss, something useful might emerge! It is one example of a loss not becoming the end, but  giving birth to a new mission!

Life is to be lived with this eternal orientation. 

The circumstances of life have become harsher for many in the recent months. I noticed that about fifteen shops near my home have shut their door during the last nine months. Such stories are agonising. Two churches are in conflict over control of property; few lakhs of farmers are in agitation in the national capital; the American President insists that he won the election; good number of children in Kerala weigh 15 percent less in a recent survey...

Amidst these stories of great concern, one tends to loose hope of the good triumphing!

The strength of one strand of a web announces to me once again, that life is held strongly by God, 'in whom we live, move and have our being'! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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