14 April, 2019

Fruits in summer!

I took time to day, the Palm Sunday, to reflect on the last one month since I posted anything in this blog.

It has been a month of events and happenings, mostly unexpected needing attention and adjustments. Although I continued sighting birds, taking photographs, and making notes, I needed time to make sense of several things converging to unsettle the daily rhythm that I am used to. 

When I took a walk in the garden yesterday, I noticed the fruits in the garden that have come up during the last one month- pineapple, chico, custard apple, cashew nut, and papaya. The garden brings forth its fruits in due season, even when the day temperature in the recent weeks has been  between 36 and 41 degree celsius. 

The external events, even when they are adverse, cannot stop the cycle of events in nature. 

It is this consciousness, which refreshed me immensely yesterday. 

While retiring after attending a passion week musical recitation in the Union Christian College, Alwaye, Anna and I talked over the changes happening all around us at this electioneering time for the Indian parliament. 

I do not remember having observed such an intense animosity between political parties since my student days. It is an election wherein political parties 'attack' each other without due respect or regard for social courtesies. What is manifest is enmity and anger. 

The passion week is a time of recollecting and meditating on the goodness of Jesus of Nazareth, even amidst intense provocation and anger towards Him. He remained steadfast to love and forgive. 

The fruits in the garden became a symbol of the calling to be 'fruit bearing' all the time! 

I enter the passion week with this consciousness that life can be lived as a song of thanksgiving for what has been given in plenty from the Giver of all good gifts.

Anna and I recollected the birth of children to at least six of our friends in the the last two months. Every time a baby is born, life being a gift gets further reinforced. We receive in order that we also can grow in giving!

Our words, thoughts, and deeds are gifts for others. Let them be seasoned with love, compassion and mindfulness !

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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