28 June, 2016

Deers in captivity!

It was during a recent visit to a wild life sanctuary, I felt the impact of confinement of these deers to the enclosed space! There were too many of them in a small area!

Of course for many who visit the sanctuary, it might be a fascinating sight!

But the dialogue within me continues! Are we to confine them like this! The forest warden reminded me that it is the only way we can protect them from the predators!

One of the things Anna and I are learning is about the behaviour of animals who live in close touch with humans! Dulce is our indoor dog and Daffney is the outdoor one! Daffney is out of her kennel for a while each day and moves around in the house freely during that time. During the rest of the day we have only visual contact with her during which we might offer her few verbal strokes. Where as Dulcey would come to both of us several times during the day for a physical stroke!

I wonder whether humans would create more friendly environment to live in proximity with pets and animals! 

Our efforts to get birds nest in the trees around the house have failed, but we keep trying! The squirrels are regular visitors in our garden! 

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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