02 January, 2014

An enabling team !

Among many surprises during this season, one surprise which delighted me most was the discovery of the singing skills of my colleagues in the department.

John played the key board and others sang for the children’s get together. They practiced diligently and on the day of the gathering, they conveyed the message of Christ’s birth effectively.

As I heard them sing, I realised how only when there is an opportunity or need we exercise our residual or dormant skills. One of them mentioned to me that, being able to sing with others, who are musical gave confidence to sing. It is others who give us confidence to attempt what we do not ordinarily do.

I met a student who was not used to acting, but was persuaded to act in a play by his friends to substitute for the one who fell ill after the audition. He took to acting like a fish to the water and received a standing ovation during curtain call for his acting skills.  

Each of us is more able than what we think. While working as a team, others prompt and support us. 

This is the added benefit of friendship. We grow because others free us from the fear of failure and affirm our attempt as good enough. 

Others become larger than their own estimate of themselves, because someone cared to lead them on. An adolescent boy, who was in the habit of percussing the table in the class during the leisure time was noticed by his teacher to be unusually rhythmic and encouraged him to buy a drum set by lending him money. He has now formed a band with school friends and performs for functions in the evening, while  continuing the schooling. He has already repaid half of the loan.

To be an enabler is a calling and a privilege!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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