17 February, 2013

Never Alone

Ever since we cut the tree in the lawn, on which the root of another tree is placed, we have had less birds visiting the garden. Although we have provided feed and water, the birds do not seem to be reassured.

Aswathy brought a bird's nest yesterday and hung it over the roots to make it more inviting for birds. We hope it would make a difference.

For practical convenience, we had to trim or cut most of the stem of  three trees around the house. Following this, most birds and squirrels disappeared form the garden. 

It is the first time Anna and I are living in a rural setting. The eco-freindly setting is pre-existent in a rural area, where there is an order and balance. We are only getting a feel of this.
One resident of the village mentioned to us yesterday that it is good to allow  some  wild growth around the house as the wild flowers would attract butterflies, bees, honey suckers, etc. We had not thought about this.

There is always something more pregnant in nature more than we can think or know about life, environment, relationships, etc. I watched a cat chase a squirrel. The squirrel located itself at a height and the cat at the ground for a long time, till the cat gave up and moved away. The cat was calm but the squirrel looked restless from its body movements and incessant cheep. Soon three other squirrels appeared on the adjacent tree as if it was an army of squirrels fighting a cat.

A frightened squirrel received accompaniment.

Nature is a resource for adult learning. 

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