03 November, 2012

A new day and a different way

The morning sunshine falling on these rain clad flowers offered an ornamental sight when we looked through our window. These flowers do not catch one's eyes normally during the day as these flowers get subdued by other flowers, which are larger, brighter and more visible. The rain drops and the morning sun made these nascent flowers come alive with an added attraction. They by themselves are just ordinary. That is why I was drawn towards these flowers, which I had missed on many occasions while walking along the foot path. 

What does a make an infant come alive! It is a smile, cry or playful behaviour. If an infant is sitting quietly in mother's lap or sleeping, we can overlook such a baby. In fact it is though everything is peaceful, when a baby is asleep. And yet, only when a baby is communicating or playing or interacting, a baby is revealing himself or herself. 

It is what we do which reveals us to others. When we pause outside a lift for the ladies or more needy ones to get in first, or open a door for others to move in first, or offer a seat in a crowded bus to someone in need or let another car have the right of passage in a traffic junction or serve others first at the dining table before we serve ourselves, we are revealing something about ourselves to others. 

There is  a culture of self seeking or self promotion in all walks of life. Some people dominate a conversation by projecting themselves; some will constantly interrupt without giving an opportunity to others to tell their story; some others will want to intrude a conversation by inviting attention to themselves. 

So the picture of this flower bunch conveys something interesting as a guideline for human behaviour. The flowers are for others even when they remain unnoticed. When they remained unnoticed, the flowers were adorned with nature's gift of rain and sunshine, which made them different and inviting. They did not have had to strain themselves to be seen or noticed. They were given what they did not ask or seek for! 

This sight and thought can save us from straining to be seen, heard, or known. This frees us to live restfully and gratefully. Our life can be a song of joy and well being, when we live conscious of the real worth that resides within us because we are God's 'beloved'. It is when we communicate that through acts of kindness and good deeds, our lives are best lived. That is how we reveal our true self for the blessing of others. We shall make each day a Christmas day of 'glad tidings, joy and peace' as we live openly before others mindful of them and their needs.

M.C. Mathew(text and photo) 

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