10 September, 2012

Each leaves a mark

I was fascinated by  this chandelier, in the photo, while waiting for a function in a hotel. Each light in it leaves a shadow on the roof. I looked at all the 15 chandeliers in the hall and observed the same. I noticed that even the holders of those lamps cast a shadow on the roof. In fact some of them  leave shadows disproportionate to their size due to the multiple light sources casting the shadow.

Anna and I arrived at our new place and began finding everything new and unfamiliar. Who are we in a strange place! How are we to find relationships with people whom we have not known! Most of them would be unfamiliar with our story or background. When these thoughts lingered in my mind, this sight of the chandelier, I watched two months back, came back vividly  in my mind. 

Each of us has a place where ever we are located. It is a location good enough for us, as that is the place we can leave a mark through or our being and doing. We are given the light and energy to leave that mark, from a source, which is able to make our presence distinct. It is when we look for a distinguished role or an imposing presence, one can feel disappointed. That is not for us to seek for or strive for, if we are tuned to God as the source of our life, time and season. 

I felt this coming home even more clearly as I watched our domestic helper telling me her painful story of several adjustments, which have made life most demanding for her. Yet, she lives with a cheerful spirit, because, she has health, ability to work and a hope that she can hold all things well. She values her small role and thrives on the dignity of labour.

None of us can afford to despise our selfhood, however struggling we may be, to accept ourselves. We would feel lighter if we can shed our ambitions and continue the journey through the current scene with our hearts free to stay content even with the little place we are offered. We are created beings who will be given enablement to leave our marks distinct enough for others to feel blessed through what we are and what we do. 

This comforts and assures me as we go through this period of adjustment during this season of our relocation.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)  

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