05 March, 2024

Children bereft of childhood

There are a few jungle Babblers, who visit our garden regularly for two weeks now. Other birds seem to have changed the flight path, since the climate has become  warmer with the onset of summer earlier than the usual time. 
These Babblers come searching for food and water. 

They are yet to get familiar with our garden. 

The usual birds have moved away and new ones have come!

With the day temperature crossing 37 degree celsius, the summer is not going to be easy on birds. They would move to cooler places usually around water bodies, where there are tall trees and food sources. 

Even birds receive their portion for their subsistence. 

The news of 18 Palestenian children dying, yesterday, in Gaza due to starvation, as Israeli army blocked supplies, shocked me. In this day and time, to go back to the times of Hitler is unthinkable for me. We thought that such hard heartedness would never be shown by any ruler in the history of humankind. But Israel's prime minister by his insistence to pursue military success, even after more than 30,000 Palestenians  were killed in the war so far, reveals a mind set that is too hard to accept as civilised ! There are only feeble voices from the nations of the world to counter this arrogance and crime on humanity. 

When will the conscience of the pro-Israeli nations be awakened!

Children, of all people, are denied an opportunity to have the warmth and provision for their wellness in their childhood !

I grieve, and protest !

It was from the land of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth addressed people and presented to them a charter of benevolent living, in the sermon on the Mount, which is available for us to read in the gospel of Mathew chapter 5, in the New Testament of the Bible!  

When would violence stop! When would we become neighbour to each other, in the light of the words of Jesus, 'love your neighbour as yourself'!

Birds live freely!

Children are made to suffer and denied freedom of normal childhood!

A society that makes children suffer consciously, is an enemy of children!

It is now I would want to look forward to hearing public opinion in favour of peace and cease-fire!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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