25 March, 2024

The milieu of a home !

The above rose flowers were a  common sight ion our garden for about four months till a month ago, and now we are left with flowers below since the summer has set in. This seasonal change reminded me of many things. 

One change I recall,  while reading the passages in the New Testament, associated with the events preceding to the trial and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, is the break down in the coherence and commitment of one disciple of Jesus. 

Judas, one of the   disciples '..went away and discussed with the chief priests and officers how he might betray Him to them' (Luke 22:4). A change in one person's attitude towards Jesus and how that led Jesus to be taken to custody for trial to be condemned to be crucified! 

A change in the interior consciousness of a follower of Jesus for at least three years! Not that Judas was a honest disciple, and this was an aberrant behaviour. According to the narration of John, in chapter 12 of the gospel, Judas was '...a thief, and as he had the money box, he used to pilfer what was put into it' (v6).

The season of change in one's attitude and calling! A follower of Jesus turned to be a deceiver and betrayer! This change occurred over a period of time as his dichotomous behaviour was pre-existent. 

The soil gives life to the  plants which gives the flowers. The rose flowers needed certain climatic and soil conditions to bear the flowers. With the seasonal change, other flowers are in blossom now, which were not present earlier. 

The external environment affects the plants and they give flowers only in favourable conditions. 

In the plot leading to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, it is evident that Judas was influenced by the lure of money offered by the chief priests. He was fond of pilfering money from the money bag.  Judas surrounded himself with the habit of deception, which grew into a monstrous state, of betraying an innocent person, who called Judas to follow Him. 

The flowering of plants symbolise to me convergence of many factors in the soil and weather. 

Children in a family are destined to blossom with talents, abilities,  skills, and grow up sound conduct and character. They grow up in a luring environment of attractions and distractions.  It is the home and its formative influence, which normally help them to grow to their full stature and blossom with enduring values. 

The homes are no more such formative places or environment of wellness for children to grow up, in this post modern society. 

The nurturing role of the soil unfolds the full potential of a plant to bear flowers. The plants bear the flowers in due season, some in winter and others in other seasons. 

The nurturing role of a home and the parenting role of parents seem to have a declining influence in the lives of children. A friend seeing a group of teenagers in reckless behaviour of indulgence, said: 'It pained me to see the way they despised their freedom'! 

During this passion week, I feel that Judas is a symbol of all that is unhealthy in our homes and social milieu, which plant the seed of deception in the conduct and character of people!

How can we support parents to make the home a place of formation for children and adolescents, to make them people of values and embrace a life with God consciousness!

I stay with this thought during this passion week!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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