30 September, 2021

Plant, Leaves and Buds!

For most of the year, this desert Rose is only a cluster of leaves. Now it is beginning to blossom in its time!

This  is the story of all of us, more so of children. Parents live with a mountain of expectations to see them achieve and accomplish! 

But they have a long journey to make before they can show forth the fruits of investing our  time for them!

That is the catch! I find parents moving from one professional to another hoping for more help, while the help offered, when needed to be accompanied by parents by giving their full attention to help a child does not happen often!

I find that many children grow up unsupported and left to fend for themselves. The consequence is the acquired behaviour of reaction, inattention or disruptive behaviour! How much I wish that parents would realise that they make way for some of these behaviours by leaving them to occupy themselves!

Out of thirty or so families who came to visit during this month, who had concerns about their children being backward in language skills, used to engage children with screen time from the age of six months for 4-6 hours a day. That pushed children to be addicted to a visual medium where colour, movement and language which did not match with what was needed for them to have normal language exposure. 

Let children grow up hearing parents, seeing parents and interacting with parents. I wish the screen time would not become part of children till they are at least 18 months when the primary language skills develop. 

Why is that parents do not sing, talk, and play with children enough! This disturbs me!

M.C.Mathew (text and photo)

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