03 July, 2023

A traveller's way !

I watched this bird moving forward in its own pace looking up, sideways and downward in a steady manner. 

The way forward is chosen by looking!

Turning the direction is part of this process. 

When I reached  in my journey the threshold of seventy-five years, I felt the urge to turn  the direction. It was a journey of forty years into the terrain of parents and developmentally challenged children. They were years of exploration, learning, growing and sharing the experiences of those whom I met. 

Now the season is for an inward journey to explore the impressions and insights of this journey!

To be present to others is a vocation, which is what most of us do in our professional work. To be present to one self is for self discovery, which often does not receive the same attention as the former. 

To become an integrated being, there is a need to be present to others and to oneself in an incremental way!

I feel the urge to discover the fabric of experiences to guide me further into being present to others relationally. 

I guess that in this inward journey, I would come across experiences for celebration, offering and receiving forgiveness, and a maize of events and stories, which when revisited would tell the truth which remain hidden!

It is a journey into the subconscious, which is the starting point of this primary! The subconscious becomes accessible to us when we prepare ourselves to receive the thoughts that surface when awake and the dreams that appear at night. 

One way to make this journey is by starting with our feelings about an experience and use that as the entry into that experience, to go beyond the feelings to arrive at the truth, purpose, and message!

This is the personal developmental journey, which can add significance to our lives! We live in the dark, when the truth about ourselves and the purpose of God about the events in our lives stay hidden from us. 

A bird looks before it moves!

We too need to look inward to feel our way forward! In this process we would feel loved by God of our lives and others around us. To feel being a beloved, is the arrival experience in this journey!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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