12 November, 2018

Flying and Landing

I tried to click this butterfly during its flight and landing on a plant. It was a difficult photography. I was able to get only a side view of the butterfly.

I noticed that it is the body in its front during its flight and landing. The wings assist the body during the flight and landing.

The body is in the centre and is therefore well balanced between the two wings. Its legs and antennae guide the direction and help in getting a grip while landing. 

I have no knowledge of the nervous system of the butterfly. But I guess that butterflies are scent and sight driven. The body, antennae, legs, wings and the sensory functions integrate well for its flight and landing. It possibly happens by conditioning the body through practice.

I watched a pole vaulter at a height of ten feet swinging his body across the bar, while letting go the pole he used to raise himself to that height. All of those functions started with running a distance with a pole held between hands and lifting him to the height with the aid of the pole. It was a spectacular sight. When a player jumps high to shoot a basket during a basket ball game, a similar co-ordination of multiple functions take place in an ultrashort time.   

Our body is a mystery even to ourselves. Most of what we do routinely happens even without planning the steps. We do not have a plan how to brush teeth, but invariable we do it similarly everyday from our sensory-motor memory.

This calls for regarding our body as a bountiful resource. We live in our body. We disregard or despise our body, when we let the body to be a slave to addictions. 

There is an increase in alcohol consumption in the state of Kerala after the flood in August 2018. It is a sign of post-traumatic stress ! 

A priest told me that some families need weekly visit to keep them steadfast to go through the hardships after they have lost their valuables and household articles in the flood!

Where are the volunteers to help people to restore their wellness! People need support during this flight from their grief!

M.C.Mathew(texta nd photo)

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